...we MUST have conversation..that being said, never tell me "you cannot have this discussion because you are white." Listen to me, I love ALL people but I call a spade a spade. Here is more proof from 1994.....before the black/brown community can charge a white person with racisim....check your OWN fucking community//backyard first...before you come after a white person if you do NOT even know.

I am here for the discussion when you are to end stupidity and for the "WOKE" white person with your new pressed BLM shirt and "I just voted Biden Pin" STFU before you judge me....

CAUSE YOU SEE.....when I am told by a certain community we need to have an uncomfortable conversation.....some think that they have me right where they want me to be and intimidated. Well, just like Ric Flair says....."Just when you think you have the answers.....Miss Strutter changes the question....WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (Flash the 4)

The congress is KILLING its people, most of it for leverage for their own position to win an election. YET there are no mass protests....WHY??? This is what people should be protesting....not the death of a career criminal. (PLEASE do not think I am defending the crime that happened to Mr. Floyd.
I am trans and there is a BULLSIHIT white group (mostly white) called "ANTIFA" THese people say they fight for trans rights as well. SORRY I do not need COWARDS in masks (way before Covid) mostly rich suburban white k**s rebelling against the good life their parents gave to them. Those assholes hurt my cause more than help it and ANTIFA while not as huge as Trump claims it to be, they are still a problem and PLEASE watch this because BLM and ANTIFA picket some bands I TRULY LOVE and call them facists and racists when they are not.....sorry they write stories about WW2 and tell and play both side like a play. PLEASE watch this before you reply.. and

BEFORE I was ****d at gun point and another tragedy that happened to me in a 23 day span Dec 30 2016-Jan 20, 2017 and where the company I dedicated my life to since Aug 2000..began the process to eliminate me (and I was a shop steward) cause I am on SSD because i cannot work due to severe PTSD...I was a Paraelegal/Case Manager for A Nationaol Arbitration company. I had over 500 cases and 200 clents...I worked with Trump Casinos, I was the manager for ALL FOP Philadelphia cases and other small police departments in small cities in PA, South NJ and Maryland. I can tell you in 17 years Trump LOST or settled every case. In the past few years from 2014-2017 I have seen BLM adversely affect cases against cops. they have defended criminals who ATTACKED the police and the cop doing his job LOST IT due to the cowardice of the City to stand up for the cop and BTW it was a BLACK COP...(d**g dealer attacked the cop and went for the cops service pistol....cop wrestled with him..criminal dies....cop gets fired.) and dearle's family gets a 3.1 Million settlement....REALLY??? YES. Thank God the cop eventually got his job back. I have seen BAD cops get fred and good cops get fired...I have seen Bad cops NOT get punished...YES therea are problems that need to be solved. Last week here in Philly 3 Black youn adults SPRAYED a basketball court killing 2 young black men.....WHERE IS BLM???? WHERE??? They were silent. THAT is an act of compliance. Do NOT tell be BLM BLM when SADLY they have been proven to be a group that picks it spots and ONLY when it is a white cop. BLM SHOULD MATTER FOR ALL LIVES NO MATTER WHO OR WHAT TAKES THAT LIFE...
I have seen HORRIBLE things on film where a cop is BEYOND in the wrong and it disgusts me. YES we need reform but NOT DEFUNDING the Police. THAT IS MORONIC. Most do not know what happens....small departments dedicated to Organized crime are gone, departments that handle c***d a*****ions are gone. I worked with the PHILADELPHIA Families of Murdered Victims Department (I chaperoned a family to court for the case and explain and counsel the situation and explain court proceedings. Most of those cases were black on black crime. That program may go away now. I orked for a black former JAG Officer ...turned criminal defense attorney. I worked on the front lines on both sides. Most of the people shouting have not a CLUE what is going on or what really happens and the deals made BEHIND closed doors.
I voted for Obama twice. Until recently I had NO IDEA he was the one who first ordered immigrants and c***dren into the cages. MSNBC Resident WOKE CUNT Rachel Maddow talked about Trump caging immigrants and used film....that film was shot DURING THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY. MSNBC Toke Black Woman CUNT Joy Reid is a HOMOPHOBE/TRANSHATER who was caught hating on people like me....she said Russia hacked her Twitter.....TWICE!! If You watch MSNBC or CNN (WE KNOW FOX SUCKS) then YOU are pushing the ignorance envelope because both networks have been proven over and over again to be in the pocket of the DNC which abandoned the American Working Family for WALL STREET and their enablers. Enablers like Biden and Obama and Pelosi and Schummer. Go trough my writings...and the films/new clips I post...they are ALL consistent and the result is BOTH TRUMP MCCONELL AND RNC as well as DNC Obama...Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schummer are ALL BULLSHIT and really have deferent teams names but rep the same team at the end of the day.
6 STOP with the "Killing of innocent Black men by cops" times it is just that, I will not tell you different. However...what about the Police crimes against Trans NEVER REPORTED? Or crimes by Police on Latino or Native American Indians? Do they not count? Many of the BLM "SAY THEIR NAME" ever do teh research on some of those names? I have.....sorry not calling out the name of a GANG MEMBER WHO WAS SHOT BY ANOTHER GANG. However they want you to think a cop killed them. Ever check out the Manifesto of BLM??? THEY WANT A MONTHLY CHECK AS AN APOLGY FROM THE USA GOVERNMENT. DID YOU OR THEY EVER TAKE A TRIP TO A NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN RESERVATION??? Sorry Black Slavery is NOT the original sin of this the original sin of this country is what was and is still happening to Native American Indians. I am all for reoperations but Native Americans get them first. Darrell Green, long time Washington Redskins Football legend said "I see no problem with the name Redskins."He and many former Black Redskins players said the same thing. Yet they are not called Racists......The View: Sonny Hostin is a famous Race Baiter that pushed the Ferguson, MO "Hands Up Don't Shoot." A narrative and action that NEVER happened. Ever see the video of the black people saying "No that never happened...but everyone else said it so I said it as well. I wanted to be on TV." That is ON YOUTUBE RIGHT NOW...... IT IS SHAMEFUL and makes the other RIGHTFUL people with a problem with racist police their fight that much harder. Same Sonny Hostin is LIED like MSNBC and CNN about BERNIE SANDERS.

A. Let's tackle "PROFILING" Don't you think a long haired rocker person has ever been profiled as a "Satanic" person? Or a long haired Biker with patches on his matter the patch, they are not profiled? A person of Middle East THAT person has not been profiled? Especially after 9/11?? Why do we ONLY talk about blacks?? NO ETHNIC GROUP CAN CLAIM PROFILING HAPPENS TO THEM...although many would try and make the case me that is racist in itself? I say YES.

B. When a cop pulls you over or asks you to step out of a car. 1. You DO NOT RUN 2. YOU DO NOT FIGHT THE COP OR GOD FORBID GO FOR HIS GUN. This is STUPIDITY. YES I have been in a car pulled over and everything is "No sir, Yes Sir or Mam. I NEVER went to jail or got a ticket.
If in a car you DO NOT make sudden movements. YES some cops are just assholes....but you can combat that with kindness.

C. The MEDIA and use of body cams. This SHOULD NOT be allowed on Networks. 1. Station shows a portion of it and then another station airs a longer portion of it. Therefore giving off two outlooks for the narrative that station wants to project. Also it KILLS trying to form a jury pool.

I could go on with 5=6 more paragraphs. Not all protesters are peaceful and I am sick those being portrayed that way.

A month ago, a transwoman STOPPED black young adults from committin a crime....she was beat up and robed for her good dead and a truck driver attacked by the same for helping her. It was reported that these same attackers were BLM protesters only a month before. SADLY these "SOCIAL JUSTICE" people do NOT include people like me.

Read every word I said, research the things I stated and ALL the films I listed please watch. I have NOT spoken "opinion" but FACTS. Everything I have written I can back up...I deal in facts....

YES we need police reform but you must be able to 1. Put yourself in the other shoes..... 2. Have an honest conversation with yourself before others. Everything I said ....NO ONE who truly fights for Social Justice sjould have a problem with my words. I WANT PEACE and JUSTICE for EVERYONE.....but SOcial Justice DOES INCLUDE people like matter the color. Social Justice includes Native American Indians, Latinos, Middle East people, Muslims....EVERYONE..not just black people. If you are any disagree then YOU are the problem

Watch these stories....their attackers WERE PROTESTERS...please

UNLIKE Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper...I MAKE and PROVE the point and if my reply is "too long" then those who say that proves you cannot handle the truth. Put on your new BLM shirt and get WOKE" and be proven to be stupid.

If you give my words and films shown here...the time and thought, I thank you...

And YOU thought or may have....I am just a party hard bitch., THINK AGAIN
Published by MissStrutter420
4 years ago
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MissStrutter420 Publisher 3 years ago
to Yorkshirebrummy : Thanks here comes round 2 "THE FINALE"
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Yorkshirebrummy 3 years ago
Just read ….well said!
DeeTV01020 4 years ago
Double thumbs up.