Sex questions
Sex questions answered.
What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Neck
What color panties are you wearing? Pale pink
What’s your favorite sexual position? Doggy style
Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? Top
Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Any
Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Bit of both
What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Mindblowing
What’s your favorite part of sex? Penetration
Are you familiar with the term “erotic roleplay”? Yes
Have you ever had sex in a public place? Many times
Do you enjoy phone sex? Have done it and by text too
Where do you want to have sex the most? Everywhere
Would you ever do anal? Done both giving and receiving
Have you ever tried whipped cream in the bedroom? Yes
Do you want to do something really wild? Always
Have you ever fantasised about a person of the same sex? Most certainly
Do you have any sexually transmitted diseases? No
Have you ever had unprotected sex? Yes
Do you have any fetishes - including foot fetishes, sadism and masochism etc? Yes i have a lot of fetishes
How important is sex to you? Very important
How old were you when you first kissed? 14
Are you a virgin? If not, how old were you when you lost your virginity? 16 as a guy, 17 as a gurl
Who did you lose your virginity to? What was the experience like? As a guy to a girl 9 years older than I was, as a gurl to a man I never met before. I loved both the experiences.
Have you ever been forced into having sex? No need to force me for that...
How many sexual partners have you had to date? Around 200
Have you ever used sex toys? Lots of
Do you masturbate? How often? Yes, and daily
Have you ever forced yourself sexually on a person? I don't like to force myself on anyone
Have you ever had sex with a person significantly older or younger than yourself? Yes
Describe a sexual fantasy you would like to fulfil someday. To be a street hooker for a night
Have you ever had a one-night-stand? Several
Have you ever had sex with someone related to you? No
Have you ever had phone sex? Yes
Do you browse porn on the internet or on television? Online
Have you ever paid for sex? I did
Have you ever been paid for sex? I did too
Have you ever provided sexual favors to get anything in return, money or some other benefit? Yes
If your boss promised you the promotion you were very keen to get but insisted that you spend a weekend with him, pleasing him sexually, would you agree? Definitely yes
Is there anything you would want to change about the way you look through plastic surgery if you had the choice and could afford it? Bigger tits
Would you pose nude for playboy if they offered you $1,000,000? I think I'd do it for free
Have you ever been part of a sex orgy? More than once
Have you ever cross-dressed? OBVIOUSLY
Have you ever
... Licked an ass? Yes
... Had your ass licked? Yes
... Stuck your tongue in their ass? Yes
... Swallowed cum? Yes
... Practiced bondage or BDSM? Yes
... Had anal sex? Yes
... Had an orgasm from anal sex? yes both ways
... Did a threesome? Yes
... Did a foursome? Yes
... Been in an orgy? Yes
... Been in a gangbang? Yes
... Snowballed? Yes
... Had your toes licked or sucked? Yes
... Licked or sucked someone’s toes? Yes
... Had sex with more than one person (one on one only) in a day? Yes
... Had sex with more than one person (one on one only) in a week? Yes
... Watched porn? Yes
... Bought a dirty magazine? Yes
... Posted nude pictures of you on the net? Yes
... Let someone video tape you having sex? Yes
... Had sex without protection? Yes
... Had someone give you a cum facial or given someone a cum facial? Both
... Have you participated in any type of golden showers? Yes
... Made someone pass out from sex? Yes
... Tasted your own cum? Yes
... Let someone watch you? Yes
... Ever showed you naked on cam? Yes
... Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? Yes
... Had sex in a vehicle? Yes
... Been caught having sex? Yes
... Ever had a wet dream? Yes
Like to have your ass slapped during sex? Yes
Like having your nipples licked, sucked, or bitten? Yes
Had sex with someone who you didn’t know their name? Yes
What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Neck
What color panties are you wearing? Pale pink
What’s your favorite sexual position? Doggy style
Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? Top
Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Any
Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Bit of both
What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Mindblowing
What’s your favorite part of sex? Penetration
Are you familiar with the term “erotic roleplay”? Yes
Have you ever had sex in a public place? Many times
Do you enjoy phone sex? Have done it and by text too
Where do you want to have sex the most? Everywhere
Would you ever do anal? Done both giving and receiving
Have you ever tried whipped cream in the bedroom? Yes
Do you want to do something really wild? Always
Have you ever fantasised about a person of the same sex? Most certainly
Do you have any sexually transmitted diseases? No
Have you ever had unprotected sex? Yes
Do you have any fetishes - including foot fetishes, sadism and masochism etc? Yes i have a lot of fetishes
How important is sex to you? Very important
How old were you when you first kissed? 14
Are you a virgin? If not, how old were you when you lost your virginity? 16 as a guy, 17 as a gurl
Who did you lose your virginity to? What was the experience like? As a guy to a girl 9 years older than I was, as a gurl to a man I never met before. I loved both the experiences.
Have you ever been forced into having sex? No need to force me for that...
How many sexual partners have you had to date? Around 200
Have you ever used sex toys? Lots of
Do you masturbate? How often? Yes, and daily
Have you ever forced yourself sexually on a person? I don't like to force myself on anyone
Have you ever had sex with a person significantly older or younger than yourself? Yes
Describe a sexual fantasy you would like to fulfil someday. To be a street hooker for a night
Have you ever had a one-night-stand? Several
Have you ever had sex with someone related to you? No
Have you ever had phone sex? Yes
Do you browse porn on the internet or on television? Online
Have you ever paid for sex? I did
Have you ever been paid for sex? I did too
Have you ever provided sexual favors to get anything in return, money or some other benefit? Yes
If your boss promised you the promotion you were very keen to get but insisted that you spend a weekend with him, pleasing him sexually, would you agree? Definitely yes
Is there anything you would want to change about the way you look through plastic surgery if you had the choice and could afford it? Bigger tits
Would you pose nude for playboy if they offered you $1,000,000? I think I'd do it for free
Have you ever been part of a sex orgy? More than once
Have you ever cross-dressed? OBVIOUSLY
Have you ever
... Licked an ass? Yes
... Had your ass licked? Yes
... Stuck your tongue in their ass? Yes
... Swallowed cum? Yes
... Practiced bondage or BDSM? Yes
... Had anal sex? Yes
... Had an orgasm from anal sex? yes both ways
... Did a threesome? Yes
... Did a foursome? Yes
... Been in an orgy? Yes
... Been in a gangbang? Yes
... Snowballed? Yes
... Had your toes licked or sucked? Yes
... Licked or sucked someone’s toes? Yes
... Had sex with more than one person (one on one only) in a day? Yes
... Had sex with more than one person (one on one only) in a week? Yes
... Watched porn? Yes
... Bought a dirty magazine? Yes
... Posted nude pictures of you on the net? Yes
... Let someone video tape you having sex? Yes
... Had sex without protection? Yes
... Had someone give you a cum facial or given someone a cum facial? Both
... Have you participated in any type of golden showers? Yes
... Made someone pass out from sex? Yes
... Tasted your own cum? Yes
... Let someone watch you? Yes
... Ever showed you naked on cam? Yes
... Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? Yes
... Had sex in a vehicle? Yes
... Been caught having sex? Yes
... Ever had a wet dream? Yes
Like to have your ass slapped during sex? Yes
Like having your nipples licked, sucked, or bitten? Yes
Had sex with someone who you didn’t know their name? Yes
4 years ago