Things we have decided we would like to try.

So some things we have decided we want to try....

Video call letting someone/couple watch us as we play and us watch them as they play.

Play while someone/couple in the same room watching us and us watch them play.

Have a man/men play in the same room while they watch the lady play.

Have a man/men play in the same room while they watch the lady play and cum over the lady (if the lady feels comfortable she may help)

The above but with a woman.

The lady being played with by the man and a woman helping.

Then progressing to the lady being intimate with a woman while the man watches.

The lady wants to watch man play with a woman to get jealous and join in.

This is all about empowerment for the lady. There was lots more but that's all for now. It will be a slow road and when it feels right. And the lady wants to feel comfortable with and choose the people.
Published by Rob535100
4 years ago
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Rob535100 Publisher 4 years ago
to VeryBettySweet : Have you got a photo? Or which one is you on your site? 
Reply Original comment
Some great ideas. Hope you get to fulfil them.
Interesting menu... :smile: xx
Southwest-Wife 4 years ago
Excellent ideas, to become plans, to become reality. Remember though, the journey can be just as rewarding as the destination and can always be stopped at any time.
toollkit 4 years ago
good  luck with it  all xx
Happy to play, and be played with x x
hornychris1987 4 years ago
Likewise would love to help out that sounds empowering 
Chester-Guy 4 years ago
Would love to help with any of these if I can guys