Elise, my very first solid sexdoll

I named Elise the very first full solid sexdoll I ever had, I got her around december 2017.


I was browsing the internet, looking for affordable sexdolls when I stumbled upon a guy selling his sexdoll near my town for a cheap price (400€ that I bargained at 350€ + a delivery).
He wanted to get rid of her because he was afraid of his daughter accidentally discovering her hiding place. The price was not really a problem, the convenience was that he lived near my town and accepted to hand her over to me right at my doorstep.
He couldn't tell the model, nor her sizes, only that she was "very beautiful". The pictures he sent me weren't really that flattering either but oh well... the cheap price and the delivery at home!


yes, the censorboxes were really on the original picture



looks promising enough

But then began the problems.
First the guy said he couldn't bring the doll to me because he had his daughter at home (he's divorced and had to keep her twice a month, something like that) and he can't risk moving the doll around. That was also why I couldn't come to his house to get her myself. Ok, no problem there.
And then he phoned me and said he lent the doll to one of his friends, a musician who wanted her to appear in a clip. Okaaayyy, you lend an item that's on sale and has a buyer. What kind of seller does that.
Tried to call that dude (who lives 100 km away), no response. Man, if you don't want to sell to me just say so.
After a few days I got a call from the musician guy: he'll deliver the doll "this evening". He said that with a really grumpy voice. That's your problem man, discuss it with the seller. I didn't ask the doll to be carried all around the country when I said I bought her.

And finally, Elise arrived at my home. Gave the man 350 bucks and kthxbyed him.


hello beauty (?)

The end of the problems? Nope.
Elise was a silicone doll with a cute face and a nice looking body, for sure. A little small for my taste though (she was around 145-150 cm tall). Not a big deal.
BUT her butt was all flattened, I can say for sure she was laying on her back on a hard surface for months. Same with one of her breasts: it was a little flattened. What a shame.
Please doll owners: don't stack heavy things on your girl when you store her somewhere.
The silicone on her feet was completely destroyed. If your doll doesn't have the standing up feet option, don't try to stand her up!
Same for her hands: there were some metal bits that popped out of her hands.
She stinked of cold cigarette, the worst smell ever. Curse that musician guy.
Her tits were somewhat hard, even for silicone breasts. I had the opportunity to fondle real and silicone boobies before, and Elise's were probably some of the hardest out there.

For the first few days I would only clean her with disinfectant inside and out and spray her with deodorant. Ew.



The fun really began when she was fully cleaned and 100% safe.
Sex was good, not gonna lie about that. Much better than the solid toys like the Fuck Me Silly series. I lost count of how many times I released my load inside her love holes. I'd say she was 350€ well spent.
Having a cute girl I could fuck however and whenever I want was like a dream. She didn't judge me or anything.
There were obvious downsides of course, but I'll perhaps talk about that in another story.

I made some videos. Maybe I'll upload them if someone is interested, but it's nothing to write home about. My videos with Venus are way better.


nah, I'm not ready to have babies


I told you I was not ready to be a father

I don't know if it was because of my own lack of experience as a doll owner, or Elise's cursed history and flaws but after a few months I got bored of her. Elise was cute and all, her pussy as tight as ever but something was lacking, she couldn't fulfill my fantasies (and that's really a pity for a sexdoll).
That's when I decided to cheat on her by going to the Bordoll in Dortmund and fuck some prostitute sexdolls like Angel and Diana.


this is Angel, just look at those badonkers!


this is Diana and yes, they did really look like that

Sex with those dolls was so much better, I asked myself what the hell I was doing with Elise. I needed something bigger and better.
I sold her off for 200€ to some guy on the internet and never heard of her ever again. And then I looked for a better sexdoll, more in my taste. That's when I found Venus.

It was clearly not the best way to enter the world of sexdolls, but it was a profitable experience. I learned a lot from this and did not lose much.
For my second sexdoll (Venus) I did not make the same mistakes, and after nearly two years together my boner is still strong for her. But that's a story for another time ;)
Published by VenusDoll
4 years ago
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caracas222 3 years ago
Superbe article, merci de partager
Dollwife 4 years ago
Always wise to buy New. Not used...better to save up to get the doll of your dreams..
mauricejeanluc 4 years ago
to VenusDoll : Tu peux en faire un sketch de cette aventure,et la poupée a eu une nouvelle vie avec des lustrages au sperme 
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VenusDoll Publisher 4 years ago
to mauricejeanluc : Ouais hein? Plein de problèmes dans tous les sens... Mais j'ai énormément appris sur l'univers des sexdolls grâce à ça.
Reply Original comment
mauricejeanluc 4 years ago
Elle a une sacrée histoire cette poupée,dingue ?
Mistermistery 4 years ago
Nice story Elise is a good sex doll i like her jeje 