you had better remove your clothes (Call Me, SUCK YOUR, Into My)

you had better remove your clothes (Call Me, SUCK YOUR, Into My)

Description: Today was Friday, the time just after 6pm and we expected Jennifer to arrive at any minute. I was pacing to the window every few minutes, trying, unsuccessfully to hide my excitement. Alice was becoming cross with me, although I knew her well enough to know she was just as excited as I. Then, I saw Jenniferâ??s car enter and park in our driveway. We both rushed out to greet her, It was hugs all around until Alice told me to take Jenniferâ??s bag to our bedroom. Returning to the living room I saw Alice had poured drinks for the three of us. Raising my glass I said, â??Welcome Jennifer to our homeââ?¬ we all took a sip. Jennifer smiled, â??I cannot tell you how much I have been looking forward to this weekendââ?¬ â??As have weââ?¬ answered Alice, â??In particular my husband, just look at him, Christmas has come early this yearââ?¬ Jennifer laughed â??For me tooââ?¬ she said â??for me tooââ?¬ Alice nodded and smiled â??Great, we all know why we are here, but say we eat first. I have reserved a table for 7pm at Raymondâ??sââ?¬ We had a lovely dinner, well up to our expectations, nevertheless I was impatient to take the ladies home and start the weekend. Alice noticed, of course and laughing said â??Jenâ?? I think we had better return home before this man of ours explodesââ?¬ I liked the use of her word â??oursâ?? it meant I belonged to themâ?? When we were standing in the living room Alice said, â??Andy, you make us all a drink and bring them up to our bedroom when we callââ?¬ Saying that. the two ladies left me, quivering with anticipation of what was to come. I mixed a vodka and tonic for the two ladies and a Scotch for myself and waited and waited. What on earth were they doing, surely, they could undress and be in bed in a matter of seconds, what was taking so long? Finally, I heard Alice call me. Taking care not to spill the drinks, I almost ran up the stairs and entered the bedroom. Then, I nearly spilt the drinks seeing what was waiting for me. Each lady was dressed only in a negligee. Alice was standing to the right of the bed and Jennifer, the left. Each had switched on their respective bedside lights, illuminating their bodies. I could see they were naked beneath. The sight of them and their perfume was driving me to distraction. Seeing my reaction, Jennifer said â??I think you had better remove your clothes Andy before you have an accident, andââ?¬ she added â??Donâ??t spill our drinksââ?¬ Moments later, I was laying on the bed with a naked lady on either side, my body, now sporting a cock which was pulsing and pointing heavenward. Alice reached down and briefly held my cock. She let go, â??Jenââ?¬ she said smiling broadly, â??You are our guest and my husband is nearly busting, why donâ??t you have him firstââ?¬ Jennifer smiled â??Are you sure? I do not wish to intrudeââ?¬ Alice laughed â??Better let him into your pussy, thatâ??s where he wishes to intrudeââ?¬ Laughing Jennifer took a sip of her drink and placed the glass on the side-table. I said nothing but leaned over to kiss her breasts and suck your nipples. I heard her say to Alice â??I think he likes my breastsââ?¬ before I shut her up by kissing her soundly on the lips. I felt her body arch against mine, I could feel her pussy hot and moist against my raging cock. Without conscious thought I knelt between her legs and put them over my shoulders. Jennifer helped by reaching down and guiding the shiny head of my cock to her bodies hot wet entrance. Then I was inside her. I heard Alice say â??Lauraâ??s Delightââ?¬ and remembered Laura was her friend who had names for all the usual sex positions. Not that I was thinking that then. My mind was full of aromas, my cock sliding in and out without resistance, hearing Jennifer almost moaning until I realized I was the one moaning. My body was a temple of desire soon to erupt into her. I saw Alice suddenly lean over, and suck on Jenniferâ??s breasts. That did it, I cum in two long lasting eruptions, soaking her pussy. I heard her squeal as she too cum her body jerking against mine. My cock lost its strength and slowly slipped for within her. Looking down I saw her pussy wet with our combined juices. Without thinking I went down on her, sucking and licking everything I found there. Jennifer then cum a second time, accompanied by Alice who was frantically rubbing her pussy until she too cum in a shuddering mass of womanhood being satisfied. For a moment I lay back against the pillow satisfied, yet not satisfied. I wanted these women again and again, but, being realistic, I knew I would have to wait and recover before attending to Alice. â??Thank you for sharing Alice, you were quite correct, get your husband going and he is capable of anythingââ?¬ Looking down at my limp cock she laughed â??I think he feels as fucked as I do, when will he be capable of looking after you Alice?ââ?¬ â??In just 32 minutes, provided you and I just chatââ?¬ She reached over to feel and handle my cock. â??Is it hard, no it isnâ??tââ?¬ she laughed and continued â??I was going to say how this limp little thing could become so hard and large and able to reach deep inside usââ?¬ Jennifer nodded â??Yesââ?¬ she agreed â??When he slung my legs over his shoulders I could feel the tip of his cock so deep inside me, I wished he could have stayed there a whole lot longerââ?¬ Alice nodded â??Yes, I know how your feel, same for me too, perhaps after you have been here a while we can teach him patienceââ?¬ â??Heyââ?¬ I cried â??I am still here remember?ââ?¬ Alice looked at my cock as saw it had grown again. â??Better play with a little Jenâ??, when it is really hard I will take over, if you donâ??t mindââ?¬ Jennifer laughed â??I probably will, but try to remember he will have time to recover over and over againââ?¬ She laughed â??Remember your promise to me, Equal sharesââ?¬ Still laughing she leaned over me and started to play with my cock. She started to use her lips but was stopped my Alice, â??No chance girl, that sweet hardness has somewhere to goââ?¬ Saying that she straddled my body and Jennifer guided my cock into my wifeâ??s hot wet pussy. x There is something almost indescribably about being in bed with two sexy women. Every fantasy of mine was being fulfilled and I suspect their fantasies were also being met. I knew I would have to learn not to cum so fast, if I was to please them. I smiled to myself, by pleasing these two ladies I would be repaid a thousand times over. Yes, life for the moment was fucking great.

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