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Description: Every girl has her personal reasons for going bare on-camera. Every girl has her personal reasons for not going bare on-camera. The reality is, we know that there are many great girls who will never show their naked bodies except to their lovers and their doctors. And if she does pose naked, she has her reasons for trying full-sex on-camera with a guy or a girl or not trying full-sex. Amiee Roberts has her reasons. For Amiee, an ex-boyfriend was her motivation in the beginning to try it. Then she discovered that she really likes the experience, at least at XL Girls. Some studios, both past and present, have a rep for being not so nice. XL Girls: Amiee, you're in a place where we really appreciate curves. Amiee: I'm glad that, especially these days, it's not just about the size-two skinny models. Bigger women are starting to come out and show that they're gorgeous. It's not just about a small body. It's about a full-figured woman, and I think a lot of men appreciate that more. There's more to grab onto and more to love. I love that. XL Girls: Why did you think this wasn't for you? Amiee: It's not the kind of thing I usually do. I'm kind of a quiet, conservative person. I keep my sexual encounters in the bedroom, and it's just between me and the person I'm with, but now I'm at a point where things are changing and I need to go out and experience life, and this was one of the ways to do it.