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Start Free Week of Pornhub PremiumBig fan of AP, and Dom/sub. About Friend Requests: ------------------------------ I'm only looking for regular uploaders with a good related library already up. If you want to be added as a friend, you have to be able to say YES to ALL these points: 1 - Have a good library (+10 videos) already up (AP, , Roleplay or Dom/sub, the less common the videos the better) 2 - Being a regular uploader 3 - Send a friend request with some interesting message about your kinks and what you have to offer. GENERIC FRIEND REQUEST MESSAGES WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DELETED! ------------------------------ Sorry if I sound too harsh but I receive hundreds of requests a week and I'm tired of looking through them. I have less than a 100 friends so my expectations are high :) If I reject your request but subscribe to you is because I want to keep an eye of your future uploads, if I see something new I like I will ask for friendship myself.
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