Although I'm a late bloomer,I've been using this site from the begining of its time lol, I'm new to this school. I am feeling a bit like the 30yr old virgin these days,Until just reacently I had no idea that I'd be creating a profile on the net and pulling my cock out!!! Hmm, I am enjoying it though lol. I obviously have changed my avatar, I feel that I no longer want to show my face to everyone, although I appreciate the fact of u not wanting to add a pic of a dick or micky mouse, I am now the face and name of my best friend in the world, my pup!!!If you want to add me you can see me!!! My inital expectations of the PORN HUB COMMUNITY and the actual reality of it all are quite different, I seem to offend people when I talk about sex ect, why the fuck am I here!!! Now Ive had enough lsd to any animal so if you want to talk trippy then add me at XXX.It seems to me that alot of people are talking crap!!! like on disco bikkys I thought you used MSN 4 that!!!I wont be requesting any more people, I dont talk enough to my current friends let alone having 1000. Its like an addiction (not trying to offend-addme if you want!) Unfortunatly though I am going to offend some of you, you may have the hardest shell in the world but at the end of the day its all about your skin!!! is it tough or of the chicken variety??? I am a D.O.G.G snoop ismy man TUPAC HEAVEN IS YOUR GETTO!!! respect for the dead,life happens and hes love will never die as so many people keep his spirit alive. There is alot about life that i dont understand and everyone on here is from a different culture, we dont all understand eachothers slang-humor, but we have a community and like the world itself as one we all make this site work!!! fuck the hipocracy, Im not to cool for this school, and I think some of the senior pupils of this site need a good lesson tought??? OK lets meet in the quadragle after the first class!!! FRUIT FIGHT HAHAHA!!! Bring all the fruit u can!!! I work at a fruit shop and im going to make it sloppy!!!! Lol. Yes!!! I'm talking again!!! x