Now is the time!

Now is the time to do your part to participate in the Black Man's rise to power. With progressive leadership in the United States, it's time to work together and move past the flailing of the post colonialist era and into the future where at last racial and sexual harmony becummm one. Embrace the Naturalness of NWO4BBC and true sexual freedom for all orientations and identities.… Ler mais

Publicado por NWO4BBC-II há 4 anos 17

Isn't obvious that whites are obsolete?

It is pretty obvious that more and more whites are tuning into the message that it's the Black Man's turn to run things for a while. For the better part of 700 years, whites have in one way or another, have exploited the every loving shit out of people of color. They even took jesus and made him look white like a shampoo commercial model. It's sickening how whites exploited just about every resource on earth and bulldozered billions of acres for their own use at the expense of people of color and nature. Hell, even the largets creatures on earth aren't safe from whitie. So maybe it's disturbi… Ler mais

Publicado por NWO4BBC-II há 4 anos 3

White girls showing their support for BLM

So many young woke white girls are doing their part to show support for BLM by surrendering themselves and their bodies to Black Masters. Watch the unwed white girl pregnancy statistic go thru the roof in September. So many white girls are kneeling down in submission to their Black Masters to atone for their white womb privilege. The best way for young white girls to end centuries of white patriarchy is to give their eggs to Black Seed.… Ler mais

Publicado por NWO4BBC-II há 4 anos 35

The white boi's moment.

To all of you white bois who have contacted me in the past; the overwhelming majority of you are in a relationship with a white girl and are frustrated that she hasn't been receptive to a Blackcentric sexual lifestyle. Well... The time is now to act on that. Explain to her your feelings about both your need to atone for your white privilege, and particularly your white patriarchy. Tell her that you're ashamed of your white privilege thru your white patriarchy and that the both of you should discuss ways to atone for it. The discussion doesn't need to start out with a sexual topic, but that wil… Ler mais

Publicado por NWO4BBC-II há 4 anos 19

Time for change

Now is the time for change. With every day this summer that passes, we should act to celebrate the lives of Magnificent Black Men killed by racist white oppressors by creating a new life of a Black Man inside a white womb. The names are too numerous to mention, but every woke white girl should selflessly give her body completely to serve Oppressed Black People, especially in the names of those Black Men lynched by white police officers. Young and old, rich and poor; white girls across the country should show they are giving their wombs as reparations for what the Black Community has endured fo… Ler mais

Publicado por NWO4BBC-II há 4 anos 13