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Eu gozei duas vezes quando uma garota com tesão me pediu para transar com ela! GOZADA AMADORA

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56 Vídeos 316K Inscritos
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3 anos atrás
Damn, she stuck it in and he came instantly, to be fair, I'd do the same
1 ano atrás
Well, her BJ skills are pretty damn good! But I bet she is really tight. I used to date a girl from the South of England (I am Scottish and live in Central Scotland) and would travel weekly almost entirely just for the sex! She actually had a very similar body to her and was in the gym constantly. She was tight, and I mean TIGHT! I'd cum almost as soon as I was inside her, every time! So I feel his pain haha
3 anos atrás
is this girls body real? like one of the nicest asses/titties i have seen on a thinner girl.... shes perfect
2 anos atrás
Implants tend to do that. So no its not real. Still beautiful to my eyes though.
3 anos atrás
Her tits are fake, but that beautiful ass is real.
3 anos atrás
Are beanbags just boneless sofas?
3 anos atrás
very most probably. wait- no. they're boneless armchairs, considering they're far too small to be a sofa
3 anos atrás
These are the questions I'm here for. Well. Boobs too.
3 anos atrás
U are so sexy its crazy. The way you suck his dick omgggggg
3 anos atrás
Thank you honey ❤
3 anos atrás
You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. -Matthew 5:27-28
1 ano atrás
3 anos atrás
Join my Clash of Clans: “Cheek Clappers”
3 anos atrás
i’m so lonely i just want her to think of me again. She played me after 2 weeks of us doing stuff together. i try to talk to her but she leaves me on opened. i try to think she’s a hoe and not worth it but i can’t stop thinking about her. i have no friends to tell this too and i’m so lonely.
3 anos atrás
Honestly, people on here are the best tho. People on Twitter can fuck off. Also, OP, I know someone going through what you are. Just try to realize she's not worth causing that kind of pain to yourself, or if she is, then pursue her. Good luck man
3 anos atrás
bro I wonder if you realize, duds that replied to just cum bout 30 s before. Twitter is more of a place for this kinda sh*t not pornhub.
3 anos atrás
Gentleman, I’m officially leaving pornography and hopefully masturbation as well. I’m trying to better my life and find happiness elsewhere. It’s simple to say porn is a bad and a widely unrecognized drug for dopamine. I found benefits after a week without fapping. Such as, increased happiness and testosterone levels. I have increased appreciation towards women also. So, imma leave here on a high note with this babe. Wish me luck and good luck to those who also try this sort of challenge.
2 anos atrás
You watched 3 Videos lol
2 anos atrás
Leave this ratio
4 anos atrás
If my girlfriend dont want sex, youre saving my day tank you
4 anos atrás
Thank you for ur cum! ❤
3 anos atrás
Hi how can I build a cake in Minecraft?
3 anos atrás
First you need to mine diamond with an axe

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