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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Duke"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Squire"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "7 year old account"
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adicionou 1 novo(s) vídeo(s) a uma lista de reprodução
desbloqueou um novo feito: "6 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "5 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "iFap"
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I'm on a No-Fap for min a week, I'll be back next week with a lot of content
  • 3
4 anos atrás
In your own words “ I'm on a No-Fap for min a week, I'll be back next week with a lot of content “. Where is this “a lot” of content you promised people that paid you money, that was a whole month ago and your obviously on pornhub loll. Fucking con artist, your trying to steal more videos then chop them up into 20 seconds and ask for money for the full video?? Loll keep scamming. The new ppl on pornhub are onto you so I made my point. Bye bitch!
  • 0
4 anos atrás
Your a joke! The only person your lying to is yourself lol. Keep uploading 20 second videos con artist!
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4 anos atrás
You stole Bratman24 videos on your old account and he called you out on it so he stopped uploading, you steal videos from random ppl who buy rare kissing videos and you act like it’s your custom you requested, you steal the Brazilian kissing videos. I can go on for days we all know about you already but some new people don’t, trust me you upload no videos that am interested, I’ve seen it all before. Continue scamming buddy but those who knows know!
  • 0
4 anos atrás
Uploading 25-50 second videos and uploading kissing videos that’s already on pornhub isn’t nothing to be proud of and everyone aren’t collecting stem checks and unemployment so that’s a stupid statement to assume you know what money people have. At least upload the full video to your so called “customs”. But continue asking for money and not uploading any content worth watching, I just feel sorry for the people that actually gave you money!
  • 0
4 anos atrás
If your already charging $15 and saying it’s to view content then where is the content? That’s a scam. People are already struggling so at least when they give you the $15 do what you say your going to do. But I guess your going to use this as another excuse to not upload videos, just give people there money back, do the right thing!
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4 anos atrás
Wwevstna123 is a known con artist this is not his first profile. He steals videos and claim it’s his custom and charges you to be friends and even charges you more if he doesn’t want to upload and you ask for a video. Demand your money back people but he'll never give it back, the kissing pornhub community is aware of this scammer don’t give your money people!!!!!!!
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4 anos atrás
When u posting content
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Esta publicação foi afixada
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To accept friend request either have custom or rare (*never seen before or hard to find*) videos with tongue sucking 
Pay $15 and I will accept your friend request! 
Cashapp: $zakoblivioa
PayPal: [email protected]
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***IMPORTANT!!!*** To accept friend request to have access to all of my custom and paid for videos You must have videos yourself that I am interested in. Mainly tongue sucking videos that aren't common on pornhub already. IF I DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR REQUEST IT SIMPLY MEANS I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE VIDEOS YOU HAVE. It's not personal simply upload more content and try to add me again or you can simply pay. it will cost $15. You can pay via PayPal or Cashapp. After you pay make sure you let me know so I can accept your friend request! I hope you can understand as I have a lot of custom paid content and rare videos many people don't have like Reptilia's tongue sucking videos (both videos) etc... it cost me thousands of dollars over the years and to continue I only ask for a one time fee of $15 and you can see all my videos. I will continue to post more videos over time. PS if I accepted your friend request because you have videos and you didn't pay you'll need to stay active in posting videos to remain, friends,

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