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Comece uma Semana Gratuita de Pornhub PremiumI Joined Pornhub at the request of a friend. We have a penectomy fetish and I love making videos on request for him. But please note it is just a fantasy. I havent really had a penectomy yet and also note that using an elastrator in the way I do is very dangerous. I have been taught and trained myself extensively so I can reduce the risk but it will cause damage and could even cause deadly clots so please don't try this at home! I'm a Sissy with a love of some extreme stuff! I'll play-act almost anything but no stuff. One phrase describes my entire sexual adventure-CONSENTING ADULTS. I'll roll play some stuff if I like you but I'll roll play the most messed up and freaky slave fantasies you can imagine if I can pretend I'm your willing slave. I've been told that for some, acting out stuff with them stops them from doing it for real and I can respect that and I want them to get help but I won't be a part of it.
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