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desbloqueou um novo feito: "6 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "5 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Hand Held"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "4 year old account"
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As you can see, PornHub has decided to delete literally everything that I ever did here, right down to my banner art.  
They never said why - I have gotten zero messages from them in literally years.  Just one day it was all gone.
I'm sorry.
  • 4
3 anos atrás
I have every single of your vids downloaded at high quality, so if you happen to need back, just say so, and I'll get in touch. Nothing was lost.
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3 anos atrás
Dont spose you kept your mega archive or anything like that from naughty machinima?
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3 anos atrás
Blame their new policy. If you are not a "Verified" (read PAYING) member, all your work is sent down the crapper.Here's hoping you also posted your videos on other sites where you don't have to deal with this B.S.
  • 0
3 anos atrás
I feel you they all my pics and vids gone from the updates 😥
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3 anos atrás
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it look's like you have not posted in 8 months and I d'not know if give a sh!*t or not .but with #57 part 2 missing the gap is confusing.
so if Froggy has another copy please upload it or if anyone has one upload it please.
  • 3
3 anos atrás
Yeah really hope he can return one day...
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Someone pointed out that episode #25 was missing.  Not sure what happened to it, but I reuploaded it just now.  Anyway... looking at maybe trying to back into action after New Years.  Not much has been going on over at modsgarden, and my old video editing software get got mauled so I'm trying to learn a new program for that.  But hey, I'm not quite dead yet or anything, so there's still some hope of eventually seeing new stuff here.
  • 5
5 anos atrás
HE LIVES!!What a great new year's gift!
  • 1
5 anos atrás
I forgot to tell you one that I see missing is 57 part 2
  • 3
5 anos atrás
Well... shit. I'll try to fix that later, then.
  • 3
5 anos atrás
It's not missing it just out of place it's between 57 and 58. I think you already had to add it back in once before and I don't think you can move them around to put it were it belongs.
  • 2
desbloqueou um novo feito: "2 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Duke"
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  • 5
5 anos atrás
Hope to see you back in action one day. Your fantasy series was fun.
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I've clearly lost my mind.

     Video for March is done!  It's over a fucking hour long.  What the hell is wrong with me?  When I first started I'd do a video that was five minutes and was done with it.  This is what happens when I procrastinate, I guess.  Too much just builds up in my head.  Anyway, this brings the total back-to-back run time for the series up to almost 17 hours total.  Which means if you can fap to all of this in one day then you've got more stamina than the hero himself.  Anyway, I really do need to take some recovery time, and I'll have to go back to the hospital again next month anyway.  Expect April to take a while again, or at least be a very short video.                         
     I forgot to mention what's up with this video:  A long time ago someone said there needed to be more stuff with cute goblin girls in it, and so here it is.  I don't normally do requests, because must requests are get are either off the deep end ["A fire hose shooting mustard up her ass because WHY?"] or into forbidden territory [I do NOT do /, PERIOD!] that I just ignore it.  But goblin girls?  Sure, fits right in with this stuff just fine.  So I did it.      
  • 5
5 anos atrás
Hey man, long time no see. Still on hiatus? Or working on any new stuff?
  • 2
6 anos atrás
Alright! Just glad to know you didn't vanish out of the face of the net like many good content providers have done in recent time. Can't wait to see what you'll pull out once your new toys are ready.
  • 1
6 anos atrás
I'm alive (sort of), just on a very, very long hiatus.  The new V10 of TK17 came out a while ago and I'm still waiting for all my essentials to get updated.  The old version took literally years for people to add all the stuff that I use.  Hopefully updating all of it won't.
  • 3
6 anos atrás
..... So, any new vids coming anytime now? You OK?
  • 4
6 anos atrás
I don't really see her ever forgiving him for this one.  Sometimes I have to retire a character in order to make room for new ones, after all.  Not sure what the next chapter is going to be about, though.  Rex seems to have painted himself into a circle and probably won't be doing much traveling for a while.  Then again, he's never lacked for women coming there to see him, so...
  • 1
6 anos atrás
Gotta say, not enough funsize/shortstacks girls out there, so the more you add the merrier.Still, I hope everything gets better with Minnie. If I were to give you a makeup suggestion, the Japanese have this thing they call ''Oyakodon'', actually a Chicken and Egg dish, but often used in porn to describe a '' 3some'' (not really ), so there be my two cents. Keep up the good work, dude.
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What was I thinking?

                                       I finally got back to work.  Work on this stuff, not actual job work [still on sick leave from earlier hospital visit].  Got an idea, put it into production.  Where it is at right now: All the dialog parts are done.  7 of the 8 new characters are done, along with 4 of the 8 sex scenes - and it's already at over 30 minutes in the sequencer.  I really wanted to find a place where I could just break this into multiple parts but could not find a good break point.  At any rate, with extra time off I might get done before the end of the month after all, despite having bitten off way too much with this one.                                
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Sorry folks, just got back from hospital.  Still recovering.  Won't bore you with details.  Will get back to work soon I hope.
  • 1
6 anos atrás
Don't worry about it froggy. I too, got the same treatment from the hospital for the teeth. Dizzy and lightheaded from the drugs.
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The fuck?

Where did all these badges come from?
Anyway it's been the usual overloaded month so far, but I swear I will try to get a new one out before the 15th.
  • 2
6 anos atrás
Since TF2, every blasted thing needs to come with Achievements... yeah, even your porn.
  • 0
6 anos atrás
You do realize there is achievement to see the badges. BTW, interested in making a alien /anal probing (fuckingmilking machines) on a very certain dark elf girl (Nualia (idea from reading a adult Japanese manga: dark elf vs alien) or a cowgirl. Please continue in making videos in your spare time if you have time. With regards, warships69.
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Porn Buff "
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I am the last virtual porn director in the world who does anything other than futanari.

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