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Cum feel alive with me

You won’t ever catch me wishing for the days of chivalrous gentlemen, but you won’t exactly find me feeling grateful for our culture of men viewing sexuality without sensuality. As a quick and easy fix.
Hey, stranger. Wanna fuck? Cool. I’ll be right over, and then be right on back home. Nice to eat you, and never see you ever again, whatever your name is. YAWN.
Listen, quickies are fine. Strangers are fine. One night stands are fine, but sex is one of the most amazing experiences imaginable, and I’m settling for fine?
What ever happened to satisfaction? Sexual courtship as its own form of seduction? Radical pleasure bordering on hedonism? I don’t want to ride a fat dick or fuck a hot body, I want to enjoy a person’s company so that any time not spent fucking isn’t boring me to tears and ruining the whole experience surrounding pleasure. I’m not looking for to trap you into romantic commitment, I just want someone to play the game with, who is good at the game, and brings excitement and a challenge to the game.
And I’m not talking about bullshit mind games, or the desire to pretend like you’re prince charming and I’m not a freak. I’m talking about the thrill of pretending I don’t know what you’re thinking, and pretending like I’m not also thinking the same: that this night is gonna go out with a BANG.
I smile knowingly at you, playing coy as foreplay’s foreplay. Delaying as teasing, building up to the fuck.
You can go off-road and tell me what you want to do to me, it doesn’t change a thing. No matter how vulgar you are, I’m still gonna smile coyly, but I’m not gonna bite. Don’t even think about making your move until you see start to see me break, I don’t even want you near my pussy until I can feel how soaking wet it is without moving an inch, and I’m practically soaked down to my thighs.
‘Cause boy, seeing how hard you’re working to restrain yourself from taking me then and there is driving. me. WILD.
Good things cum to those who wait, and and the build-up wants me want you all. night. long.
I want to go to work the next morning with a limp, or with a hoarse voice, spend the whole fucking day feeling horny every time I think about the night I just had, and rush on home to my magic wand.
Go on, tell me that isn’t worth a couple hours of your life.
  • 11
desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Scribe"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "Philosopher"
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Smart, sensual, silly , bisexual, body-positive BBW. I feel phenomenal.

Última sessão:
1 ano atrás
Estado de Relacionamento:
Rapazes e Moças
Interesses e hobbies:
Natural and social sciences, photography, art, writing, and adventure — to name a few.
Filmes e programas de TV favoritos:
/ Stranger Things
Livros favoritos:
The collection of works by Angela Davis, bell hooks, Roxanne Gay, Zadie Smith, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, and Kai Cheng Thom
Gosto de:
Talented tongues, be it the obvious, or the art of stimulating conversation, the ability to make me laugh (especially in the bedroom), or the right amount of dirty talk // Equally talented hands, because this girl LOVES being fingered (and if you do it right, you’ll have me squirting in no time) // Sexual partners who GET that someone capable of having multiple orgasms should never, under any circumstances, be made to orgasm only once! // Mutual masturbation, light teasing, and being teased in return // Bad girls, good boys, and wholesome-but-kinky enbies // Femmes, androgynes, twinks, and bears alike, and the odd straight man who is highly comfortable in his sexuality (...nothing hotter than an erect man in sheer panties, except being pleasured by two men at once; just saying.)
Não gosto de:
Low emotional intelligence // Political ideologies & values between the extreme-right and moderate-left // , lack of respect for boundaries, and to communicate // Body-shaming // The huge majority of doms, UNFORTUNATELY // Dudes who consume porn but devalue sex workers, approach sex like porn, and and treat human bodies like glorified orifices and extensions of the hand they jerk off with // TL;DR - Basically, a notable lack of empathy and self-awareness.
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