Fuckin hell... ... I want Intercourse, Adventure, Connection, & everything ... but nobody ever tries to look for me, nobody ever tries to talk to people & make their Intention clear. - and if you are a Woman ... and you want to be my Benefit Buddy, G.F, Friend, you name it - because I want to grow with someone, other than my Family - because there are connections that I cannot get from Family, because they are Related ... as I wish for a Healthy Relationship with a Woman, or hey... I would take someone that wants to be a Woman - and obviously they will be the only one to be Feminized ... as it is difficult for Man to even have so many types of moments, which makes me Sexually Frustrated, because all I want is connection, relationship, or etc - and me being basically Alone my whole, and I am always, for some messed up reason ... I'm the Second Choice, Overlooked ... as I am quite Attractive for a 21 year old Virgin Male ... but I am inexperienced with the real thing, and I so want it ... but I do not have the fucking opportunities like most people have - when all I want is G.F to; Grow with, Hang out, have Intercourse, Communicate, Connection, & etc ... that Traditional type of Love - and my Heart feels Sad typing all this out. I just need someone to save me for all of this Mental Anguish, that is my Life ... as I could go on & on with all of my Past Toxic Relationships that didn't even care to Spend Time with me, Grow with me, Communicate with me, & etc ... as I need that type of Care, Love, and Understanding. - as my Big Heart is being Crushed when I try to give my Energy to people, with Communication, Composure, & Comprehension .. and I have the Patience of a Godsend ... but it seems like people have became Fickle, Pessimistic, & Unavailable. - as it really does pains me, when someone gives me their ... but they do not take mine. - and if someone is reading this; My Family cannot understanding my Pain with all of the Damages they have caused to me - and so many others, because I get Blocked, Banned, or etc ... and yes, I am a Lone Wolf that is struggling, because he does not really have a Pack he can go to - and it has been that way since I was 7-11, wwatching Porn ... as I made my Porn Account when I was 15-16, & I am almost 22 now, a Virgin, a Recluse - because of all of my own Trauma - and one day... ... I might vanish from the world, because if an Attractive Guy like me cannot get someone... what is the point of my Life - because I am done with The Heart Games that people want to pull on me - when I can fall for someone pretty easily if they keep toying with me, making me feel comfortable with them, and etc ... as It hurts when I am lead on - when I am literally a Virgin & been cooped up for quite a few years, because how much people sucked -so I just let myself go a bit, kept to myself ... but now that I am opening up... ... People are showing their true colors - and it disappoints me, because I thought Relatives should be there for me, no matter what ... and that is probably why I crave that such connection with a Woman -and it is difficult to even get into a Relationship, because I am too Afraid to abmit that I am Scared being called a Creep, Perv, or etc ... whenever I try to go up to a Female - and I am most definitely Confident ... it is just that... .. I do not want to be Arrested for Good Intentios, when I find a Woman attractive ... and I always get Smiles from Women when I walk around my Neighborhood ... but I am too Shy to do anything ... as I just Smile,Wave, or tip my Hat. Lol. - so I know I am ready for a Relationship - and it is hard to put yourself out there as a Male .. as some Women have these Big Illusions & Wacky Delusions in an "Ideal Man" ... but all I am lookin' for, is;A Traditional Woman that knows how to Communicate with Composure & Comprehensivon. But I hope I cane get an Attractive Woman around my Age ... but Visual Media ruins that for me, with all of the Drama & whatnot ... but anyway... I came this far, alot has Changed, &i always known how to be by myself. Lol. Have a nice time. :3