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Las Vegas, United States
  • 4,369 subskrybentów
  • 3,851 znajomi
  • 102 obejrzanych filmów
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odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "The Squire"
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odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "10 year old account"
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odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "9 year old account"
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odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "6 year old account"
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odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "The Pop Star"
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odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "5 year old account"
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Hey where have you been. Trying to get in contact with you for awhile
  • 9
odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "4 year old account"
  • 4
7 lat temu
Can we get some new vids from you? I'm willing to be in then I'm in Vegas and generous with everything
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Hey You! 
  • 1
8 lat temu
@Lovelust666 if the other 2 were you and @Vegas_MILF I'd be down in a heartbeat 🙂
  • 0
8 lat temu
Blk Vegas local that would love to join
  • 1
8 lat temu
I'm down sweetie
  • 1
8 lat temu
I would love to team up. 🙂
  • 0
8 lat temu
The three of us should get together and play. 
  • 0
8 lat temu
I want to creampie her again
  • 1
odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "The Prince"
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Today is my Birthday!!!...let's chat!
  • 12
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Hi, I love your videos. And was wondering if we could duck sometime. I do live in vegas
  • 5
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just created an account after using the site for years, gotta say, love watching your videos, wish they were longer, keep them coming so they keep me cumming
  • 2
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just created an account after using the site for years, gotta say, love watching your videos, wish they were longer, keep them coming so they keep me cumming
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just created an account after using the site for years, gotta say, love watching your videos, wish they were longer, keep them coming so they keep me cumming
  • 2
odblokował/a nowe osiągnięcie: "3 year old account"
  • 6

in Las Vegas. I am a FREAK cant help it, always have been.but then again freaky is as freaky does . Depends on what's freaky to you..;)

Ostatnie logowanie:
7 lat temu
Status związku:
Kolesiami i laskami
Las Vegas
Las Vegas
"United States"
Zainteresowania i hobby:
sex And gambling and partying. If your coming to Vegas hit me up! I especially love MMF or MMMF or MMMMMF LOL the last was a joke:)
Ulubione filmy i programy TV:
Went to hateful eight yesterday ...reservoir dogs in cowboy hats..still good ,if your a fan of Tarantino ( except for the ) I am...you won't be disappointed ...Martian was to slow for me ... I loved "JOY.".."CONCUSSION " I simply can not Hate WILL SMITH In anything ...but this wasn't the best story and a bit slow ...but all the same he makes everything watchable .."the big short "was ok .. I personally think it would be better if spaced farther away from the actual event ..". Burnt"was ok....the intern I loved ...can't wait to see "dirty grandpa". By the way all my fave site for non porn movies, lots before in theaters, is rainierland dot com ....no popups no sign up super easy streaming or DL. CHECK IT OUT
Ulubiona muzyka:
Nina Simone - feeling good ..Eminem , ludicrous .ray Charels ...frank Sinatra .
Ulubione książki:
Number one read for women.. I read years ago..mamma Gina's school of womanly arts( one of the books that the goddess movement was founded on) not a charm ...or ..house keeping book...take what fits you from the book and leave the rest ...it's worth hunting down..Forgotten garden. Big book...page turner ..
Co mnie kręci:
men that knows what it means to turn my brain on, fire up my imagination ,MAKE me anticipate ,give me build up til i beg! Strong willed men..white dress shirts and suits..mens hands when they are big and squared fingers ,.strong.. I kind of look for the Cary GRANT type ..he was the type that could be chauvinistic and support woman's lib all at once ...make a woman feel in control all the while bending her to his will... The ability to look at a woman ,see her faults and make her feel her flaws are perfectly perfect on her...if there's a man out there that understands any of that ..well..wanna get married?
Co mnie nie kręci:
mentaly weak men . Seriously stupid ( no common sense ) kind of men.before you message me ...have something to say . I'm sick of messages that say "hey" ...I do not and will not waste time responding to those . They do not get my or any woman's attention ...adding "LOL" to any message when i have never spoken to you ( exception being a real joke) " makes you look insecure and young...confidence in a man Is very sexy. Conceit is not sexy ..very fine line and men that know the difference kudos,,
Wyświetlenia profilu:
90 684
Obejrzanych filmów:
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