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Rozpocznij darmowy tydzień Pornhub PremiumWhy is it wrong for someone to be even more attracted to their wife, partner, girlfriend, crush, boyfriend, random flirt on the subway or anyone else to be someone with a limb missing? It's a physical difference that's no different to long legs or big boobs. Lovers of all bodies, little legs, stumps, acrotomophiles and devotees deserve acceptance and the internet has begun the process of removing the stigma cast upon them. There is nothing wrong with sexual attraction to an amputee - if you think it's wrong, what is your explanation to anyone who has lost a limb? Do they not deserve to be attractive? I hope 'Devotees' climb the same trajectory as the LGBT community but quicker by benefitting from the barriers they've broken. 'Devotees' who make contact with amputees or pretend to be amputees are a minority and do not represent every devotee. Email me at [email protected] if you wish to talk - I also have Wickr. No subject is off limits.
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