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Holding Blueberriecum’s choke collar leash, United States
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Information for EVERYONE #1

This is a never ending work in process, so it is constantly being changed. Last updated: September 27, 2024 ————— MY DIFFERENT POSTS (out of order on my stream): Information for EVERYONE #1, and #2. WHATS WRONG WITH THE WORLD, AND HOW WERE GOING TO FIX IT. LadyLoverJ True Origin Stories 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c. REWARDING NICENESS, HELPING PEOPLE. THE BOBBLE. ————— MY CONTACT INFORMATION: S n a p c h a t: first name: LadyLoverJ last name: LadyLoverJ username: LadyLoverJr (LadyLoverJ was already taken, so I had to add the extra r) K i i k: first name: Jrv87kj last name: Jrv87kj username: Jrv87kj T e l e g r a m: first name: DBattery last name: DBattery username: DBattery222 (DBattery was already taken) X (T w i t t e r): username: DBatteryMessiah Email: [email protected] ————— WE NON MODEL USERS CAN NO LONGER SEND MESSAGES TO EACH OTHER AND OUR PREVIOUS MESSAGES WERE DELETED: Pornhub support wrote: Unfortunately the decision was made to remove the user to user DM feature which includes any previous messages the account may have received. You will still be able to send DM's to any verified model that has accepted your friend request. ————— SO MANY MESSAGES SENT WERE DELETED BEFORE BEING READ, LIKE: A single tear of joy, not a boy, a daddy cried, filthy stepcunt hied. ————— GUYS, QUIT BEING DICKS TO GIRLS!: The models are real people with feelings, so TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT! If you are paying someone, you can expect certain things. If you are not paying someone, you should expect nothing! You should thank God every day, like I do, that they are willing to let you look at them at all, so be grateful for what they give you! Dont treat women like objects! Also, dont treat objects like women: ————— ADVICE: TIP #1: Do you want a Queen? Let me give you some good advice young man, You better learn to play guitar: TIP #2: Dont just work out your glamour muscles: TIP #3: Be yourself: TIP #4: Be a King, have swagger, smile like you know that every female is drooling over you, learn to dance from just a head bob all the way up to an earthquake body shake, whistle when even you cant believe how awesome you are: TIP #5: Learn the five point plan: TIP #6: Be cool, be always willing to lend a favor, accomplish the impossible, have a majestic bearing, have style, have an attitude, have a tough voice: TIP #7: Fight the good fight: TIP #8: Make it happen: TIP #9: Get whatever you want: Watch and BELIEVE (Im proof it works) the movie The , which is on Netflix and can be recognized by the image of a red wax stamp, like they used to use to seal envelopes, and it has an S stamped into it. And there is another movie, The : Dare to Dream, with Katie Holmes, which I have not got to see yet. TIP #10: Watch the John Travolta movie Michael. Be like Michael. ————— DONT END UP ON THE SPAMMER LIST: If you notice that your profile information is all gone, then this could be what happened. You will need to contact Pornhub support to have them fix your account. They wrote: You must be careful with what you write as comments. For example: add me, and sending comments multiple times will put you on the spam list. ————— IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO SUBSCRIBE TO ANYBODY: You probably recently subscribed to a lot of people. There must be a limit to how many people you can subscribe to within a certain time frame, because at some point, it stops letting you. You just need to wait until it will let you again. I try not to hit this wall though, for fear of ending up on the spammer list if it happens too many times. ————— IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO COMMENT ON ANY POST: It is just like above in the section about being unable to subscribe to anybody. ————— HOW TO TAG A USER, USING THE @ SYMBOL: Submissively Robin was so kind to provide this information: So long as you are friends with the user, when you put the @ symbol and the first letter of their username, it will pull up a list of your friends that match that. Then you just select the friend you want to tag. ————— TRYING TO ADD AND SAVE A POST, BUT IT KEEPS TELLING YOU THAT IT CONTAINS A BANNED/FORBIDDEN WORD(S): It is more forgiving of words when you edit a post, than when you first try to add a post. So for future posts, I suggest first just adding the post, as a bare shell, with just a couple of words, so that you know it will not have a problem saving it. Then edit the post to include whatever you want and then hopefully when you go to save the edit, it will let you. If you already typed a bunch of stuff when first trying to add the post and it will not let you save it, then I suggest a copy and paste operation, where you copy all of your text, then if you want to be extra safe, then paste it somewhere else to save it, I use Notes on my phone, then take almost all of your text out of the post, so that now it should let you save it, then edit the post and paste your text back in, then hopefully when you go to save the edit, it will let you. If it wont let you save the edit: 1) If it is a small post, you can look for the bad word(s). 2) If it is a large post, it might be too hard to find the bad word(s), so I suggest another copy and paste operation, but only paste small pieces at a time, back into the post, and then try to save the edit after each piece, so that will help you narrow down where the bad word(s) are. Be aware that anything related to age is suspect.
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Hoarder"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Collector"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Gatherer"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Critic"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Scribe"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Cinephile"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Senior"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Two Thumbs Up"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Sophomore"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Freshman"
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OMG, we non model users can no longer send messages to each other and our previous messages were deleted, see the first post on my stream, which also lists other ways to message me. I love HarleenQueen16, but alas, we can never be more than work friends, but luckily our work involves talking about sex. I also lust for our service slut, Blueberriecum. Good, I’ll be waiting. But, I still need more girls to talk to (they know why), so send me a message. For my patented secret tips for success on Pornhub, and some other insane ramblings, see the posts on my stream below. When looking at the stream, don’t forget to click on View Activity and then select All Posts. And don’t forget to click on SHOW MORE below:

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1 week geleden
Holding Blueberriecum’s choke collar leash
"United States"
Harleen Lover, Harleen Shredder, 420 Fun Haver
School of Hard Cocks, School of Heart Rocks
Interesses en hobby's:
Loving Harleen, and also using and a b u s i n g Blueberriecum in every best and worst way that we can think of
Favoriete Films en TV Series:
Harleen’s and Blueberriecum’s videos
Favoriete Muziek:
Every sound that comes out of Harleen and Blueberriecum
Favoriete Boeken:
Every word that Harleen and Blueberriecum write. Have you seen all of the posts on their streams?!
Hier word ik opgewonden van:
Harleen, and what turns her on, and don’t even get me started about Blueberriecum!
Hier word ik niet opgewonden van:
Being Harleenless or Blueberriecumless or toSlutyRafellaless or StormyDDD69less or pornwomen696less or CaterineMarvellousless or Sophiabouvari111less or Slutyfox16less or Juartyless or Ciwetpussless
Profiel aantal keer bekeken:
7 246
Video's bekeken:
6 654
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