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Auburn, United States
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Well I have uploading disabled... SO I have a new account.

My name is under both xvi deho s and here now, can find me here!
Everything should stay up here unless taken down ofc and yeah sorry about this but hope to see you all again starting anew
  • 2
4 jaren geleden
and its all gone, fuck you ph. Clearly they are anti furry here.
  • 0
heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Archduke"
  • 0
heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "6 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "5 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "4 year old account"
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heeft geabonneerd op 1 gebruikers
heeft geabonneerd op 1 gebruikers
heeft geabonneerd op 1 gebruikers
heeft geabonneerd op 1 gebruikers
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heeft geabonneerd op 1 gebruikers
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Every video I upload is just never converted and posted now.  I used a seperate account to test if theres an issue on PHs side and well... I might not be able to upload anymore? I dunno, we'll see, if I have to make a new account I will just name it after my xvids one so I dont need tow names anymore
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Pornhub has finally me.

So here my one and only real soulution to those who follow me:
So please, check out the new comps if you havent, I put them all in their own section.
And yeah idk what the hell is happening but all three of the comps I post are just being stricken down.  You can find everything else all under Pshermen02 at x v i d e o s.  Seriosly just follow me there, I cant guarntee s**t here anymore.  They are also in my archive, look at the about me section.
  • 7
4 jaren geleden
Hey guys who see this, newest comps are on that link there for the end of Nov, PH is having some video uploading probs rn it seems
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Reason for Removal: or

My newest compilations, all three of them, removed because of this apperently.  I am trying to reupload them now.  If they are removed I will omit some clips and have to re-render ALL OF IT.  If this happens all of the comps this time around will be in standard quality.  If ya want HD they will all be in the archive linked under the about or you can find them all under Pshermen02 at x v i d e o s.  Sorry guys but I am very unliked here it seems.
  • 3
4 jaren geleden
Oh how cute, they censor out the words in their own reasoning for removal... Worst I had this time around was probs just bdsm stuff so something fucky is happening here
  • 0

ACCOUNT IS DED, GO HERE COPY AND PASTE THIS FOR MY FULL ARCHIVE! My discord for lewdness is Pshermen02#8875, add meh. Also been looking for aggressive dom, and pokemon doms too, feral is okay, but will take anyone for rp, just sayin. I am the same guy from Psherman02 account on xvids and I thought, hey, maybe I should expand and upload some stuff here too, and since I never keep my old videos I had to download alot of them from my other account, so if you see that scrolling watermark don't worry, it's mine, and yes if you havent guessed, I am a furry and yes I like my Yiff both gay and straight and no I wont tolerate any disrespect, anyway I will upload whenever so yeah, enjoy or whatever, also all credit to animators I record vids of, even if I cant remember who they are and most importantly I do requests, so suggest something if you want

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1 jaar geleden
Geïnteresseerd In:
Mannen en vrouwen
"United States"
Interesses en hobby's:
I like games and to upload stuff I find
Favoriete Muziek:
Metal and rock and stuff like green day and nirvana
Hier word ik opgewonden van:
Furry ass
Profiel aantal keer bekeken:
346 209
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