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Pennsylvania, United States
  • 1,190 Abonnees
  • 676 Vrienden
  • 305 Video's bekeken
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "7 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "6 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "5 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Senior"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "2 year old account"
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1000 Sub Mark

Looks like I passed the 1000 sub mark a little while ago. That really is quite awesome, I must say. I mean idk if I necessarily deserve it since I haven't posted in forever, but don't worry I'm not dead, more on hiatus atm as I go through some personal changes. I want to get around to posting stuff again, and I've been doing some more experimental private vids while I've been away, so maybe I'll be a tiny bit better at /editing when I return. One can hope. Anyway, just wanted to thank all you awesome people for continuing to inflate my dangerously large ego, you're the real heroes.
  • 7
6 jaren geleden
Congratulations Hun ☺
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Junior"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "1 year old account "
  • 4
6 jaren geleden
Congrats!!! Btw, I love your videos!
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Duke"
  • 3
heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Prophet"
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Valentine's Day

Hey guys [and gals I guess, though I maintain there are no women on the internet]. Just wanted to wish you all a happy Valentine's day. Hopefully you're not reading this ON Valentine's day and you spent the whole day screwing your SO's brains out. Either way, hope you all have significant, mind blowing orgasms today in one form or another. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, ya crazy .
  • 6
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So my latest video just capped 1K views. In under a week no less. Kinda makes me wonder how the hell people are finding it. I mean I had no idea it would be so popular. To put it in perspective my previous record for views on a video in a single day was like 44, my latest video has yet to go a day below 100. That's bonkers to me. I mean there's a good chance more people would recognize my ass than my face at this point. Once again I feel compelled to thank everyone who's seen my stuff, liked it, favorited it, put it in a playlist, or whatever you perverts do when you find a new video.You guys are awesome
  • 12
7 jaren geleden
That would be so hot
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7 jaren geleden
Thanks.. love you
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Squire"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Sophomore"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "Philosopher"
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So I just saw my first video capped 1000 views! That's a pretty big milestone, and probably about a gallon of cum spilled over my booty. I want to thank all of you perverts out there for making it possible. Everyone who liked, favorited, subscribed, put in a playlist, or even just viewed it and moved on. I notice it all and I appreciate it! I think you all deserve a round of applause, and since most of you have at least one hand being occupied, I'll gladly be the one to cheer you on. Keep on fapping and I'll give you something to do it to. Here's to the next 1000 views!
  • 17
7 jaren geleden
Definitely baby its fabulous
  • 0
7 jaren geleden
Nice booty you have ,even some of girls if see your ass they are very jealous
  • 0

I never thought vaginas essential. They're crude, and unspeakably plain. But maybe they've a glimmer of potential, if allied with my booty and wang. I know that your powers of birth prevention, are as whet as a bottom's backside. But thicc as you are, pay attention; my words are a matter of gay pride. It's clear from your throbbing erections, your nights are not filled with affairs, but we're talking cocks and fuck sessions, even you can't be caught unawares. So prepare for the fuck of a lifetime, be prepared for sensational goos. A shiny new era is wearing mascara. (But where does cock feature?) Just look at my features. I know it sounds sordid, but you'll be rewarded when you light off my orgasmic fuse. And semen deliciously squared, be prepared!

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