Fuck party for my birthday in Denver, CO

Hi Daddies from Denver, Colorado. I have been trying to host the birthday fuck party through barebackrt website several times but no luck because of not enough men to attend. I am trying to figure out what day and time work out for you guys. We can discuss which hotels you want me to host at and I have to find the hotel that have free parking lots instead of pay or pay it to valet. Anyone of you who live in Denver local or Colorado Springs, you can contact me by email directly. And if anyone of you are willing to film of me getting fuck by lots of top older Daddies, let me know. I am only into… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh deafcub81 6 tahun lalu 3

Request Friends

To all of Daddies, I am here to write you a shorter note to let you all know that if I get the request friend from anyone with no picture or no age or retired after send me the request friend, I will decline the request friends. I am sorry but I have no choice to decline the request due no age show, no profile picture or retired. I hope you understand what I am telling you. To all young men- please don't send me the request friends because I am not into young guys under 45 years old (18 years old +) I am only into older Daddies since I was young. I am crazy about mature Daddies. I have no t… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh deafcub81 10 tahun lalu 9

My taste about Daddies and thick cock.

I would like to share the story with you all about my taste about handsome Daddies. When I was a k** that time my family and I moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado from my small hometown Pagosa Springs, Colorado in 1988 and I went to the Deaf institution as day student. Every time I see there are some cute and handsome older men who work at my Deaf school. It drive me crazy because I don't have my biogolical dad around me so I start to get a look at cute men. In few years later I start like older men because it turn me on. In the gym class, all deaf k**s and I go for swimming in gym, most free… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh deafcub81 11 tahun lalu 2

Daddies play with me and my "partner"

I would like to make a thory story about have lots of handsome Daddies (Top Daddies) come over to "my partner's house for a social/fuck party that night at about 6pm.My "partner" is 51 and like older men just like me. While I and my "partner" make an arrange to to do for our Daddies. When our Daddies come to the house, we go downstair to the basement to take their clothes off. While we all naked, we have refreshment and drink and cuddle together. My "partner" start to suck few cocks while I with other few daddies to make love and I watch him suck their cock as he watches me make love with oth… Baca lagi

Disiarkan oleh deafcub81 11 tahun lalu 5