390 – Babysitting Tina

Morning came far too quickly for my liking and it was the doorbell followed by my phone ringing that woke me up, it wasn’t even 8 o’clock and my house guest had arrived, I answered the call and told Stella to give me two minutes to find my robe and although it was short and silky it was all I had to hand, I really hate feeling rushed and I hadn’t even had my morning coffee and with my semi hard morning wood flopping about as I ran down the stairs I opened the door out of breath..

“Good morning ladies” I said yawning as I opened the door, “Got time for a coffee” I added and they looked a bit flustered, Stella looked me up and down and laughed.. “Sorry Billy, we really need to hit the road, this is Tina and she’s promised to be on her best behaviour” she said almost throwing the poor girl through the doorway, “See you sometime this afternoon, we’ll call if there’s any hold ups, now you be good for your Uncle Bill” Helen said to her daughter without even so much as a proper introduction, “Yes mummy, I’ll be good” she said softly as we went inside, I needed coffee..

“Nice to meet you Tina, can I get you a drink? I’m making coffee do you want some” I asked and she gave me a beaming smile, even her dark eyes widened as we walked into the kitchen, “Nice to meet you too Uncle Bill, Aunt Stella told me how nice you are, yes please, I’d love a coffee with you” she said sitting down at the table and straight away I couldn’t believe how mature and polite she was, she had lovely black hair that seemed to match her dark complexion and a smile to die for, such a cute looking girl.. “Coffee coming up young lady” I said wearily as I turned my back to put the coffee on.. “Aunt Stella said you got work to do, can I help you, I’m good at cleaning things, oh and I do like your robe.. is it silk” she said as I turned around to face her and luckily my morning wood had dispersed however looking at this sweet flat chested girl in a cute button front and rather short summer dress showing off ample amount of her skinny legs I wasn’t sure for how long..

“You’re Auntie was right Tina, yes I do have some cleaning and I’m sure you will be of great assistance to me, we can do it together, it’ll be fun and yes, this is silk” I said which made her smile again.. “Oooh I likes silk Uncle Bill, are you going to keep it on, you look so nice in it” she said excitedly and even though it was a bit short I didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot and disappoint her.. “Yeah I can keep it on for you Tina” I said turning my back on her again to finish off the coffee.. “You want milk and sugar too, how about a biscuit” I asked and could see her watching my every move as I went to the fridge, “Oooh yes please Uncle Bill, two sugars and I’d love a biscuit” she said so politely it made my heart melt.. “Here you go princess, there’s no rush” I said as I sat down with a plate of biscuits and our coffee..

After we finished we discussed what needed to be done, I wanted to involve Tina in the decision making process and use her to the best of her abilities, she looked around the kitchen at the cupboards, “I’m good with dusting and I’m alright with heights Uncle Bill, how about I do that and you mop the floor” she suggested excitedly and I was amazed at her enthusiasm, “Eye Eye Captain” I said jokingly which made her laugh, it was a fun atmosphere and I’m sure we’ll get a lot done, I liked her attitude and willingness to help so I went to the broom cupboard getting her a few dusters and myself the mop and bucket, I gave her the dusters and filled the bucket with soapy water and we were all set, “Shall I give you a helping hand up onto the counter Tina?” I asked as being only 4 and a half feet tall I thought she would struggle, she pulled over a chair and strategically placed it by the side of the counter, “It’s ok Uncle Bill, I help my grandpa clean his but I suppose you could just be on hand incase I slip” she said taking off her pumps leaving her bare footed and as I stood and watched she proved to be an expert at climbing on to counter tops even in a very short dress, “Oh wow.. that’s amazing Tina” I said looking up the backs of her skinny legs getting a brief look up her dress clearly seeing her white patterned panties and because her legs were yet to fully develop her thigh gap was big enough for me to see her tight gusset between her legs, she thought nothing of it as she balanced herself on the counter easily able to stretch and reach the top of the units, I stood a few moments just to make sure she was ok and as she stretched up her dress rose up allowing me to clearly see her little panties wedged into the crack of her little arse, what a delightful sight and a great way to start our cleaning process..

She got busy very quickly so ensuring my robe was fastened I started to mop the floor keeping an eye on her to make sure she was safe even having a few crafty looks up her dress, as smart and polite as she was she had no idea of female etiquette which for me was a bonus and at one point she even stopped to look at me trying to look busy, we even both finished our tasks at around the same time however the chair that she got up there with was in the wrong place now, “Hold on Princess, I’ll help you down” I said squeezing out the mop.. “Ok Uncle Bill" she responded wiping her brow and watching me walk across to her, “They’re all clean now, do you want to check them” she said as I lifted my arms up grabbing her little body under her arms and as I hoisted her off she almost wrapped her legs around me giggling, “Down we come” I said as she clung on to me and I had to put my arms under her arse to hold her, I think she thought it was a game and with her arms around my neck she looked into my eyes, “You good at cuddling Uncle Bill, I likes cuddles” she said with another giggle and with her dress so short my hands were actually gripping her little arse cheeks with her crotch pushing against my groin.. “Yeah Princess, I love cuddles too and I’ll make sure you are rewarded with a cuddle every time” I said excitedly and as she put her head on my shoulder it was obvious to me that she was missing the love of a daddy in her life.. “That’s great Uncle Bill, I do likes your cuddles feeling the silk on my skin" she replied and because of the wet floor I walked across and sat her on the table thinking on whether or not to climb up and take a look.. I decided not to..

“Right my little princess, let’s go and attack the lounge shall we” I said as I emptied the bucket and put it away, she held out her arms and it was obvious she wanted me to carry her which I had no problem with and grabbing her again under her arms she wrapped her legs around me and my hands went back under her little arse to support her and I have to say the feeling of her soft arse cheeks and feeling her panties pushed into her crack was kinda making me aroused, I had to try and control it as my dick was starting to push against her crotch..

Tina felt really comfortable and at home with me which was really nice and also proving to be of great assistance and we had the lounge cleaned in no time with more than a few laughs along the way, “How about we have a coffee break princess?” I asked to give us a chance to cool off as the sun was shining through and all this working was making us sweat, she looked at me and smiled.. “More cuddles then Uncle Bill, am I doing alright" she said as she came over to me with her arms raised ready for me to pick her up.. “Of course more cuddles princess and you are doing great” I replied as I lifted her up and as she wrapped her skinny legs around me I grabbed her arse for support with my fingers pushing into he crack which felt so nice and again made her giggle, the problem I was having now was that my penis was beginning to fill up and again I could feel it pressing against her but something was telling me that either she hadn’t realised the implications or she didn’t mind such close contact.. I seriously doubted she ever seen a penis let alone had one pressing against her slit..

She seemed to be a very loving girl and as we got to the kitchen I gently lowered her to the chair and her dress was right up almost to her waist, we laughed about that and the fact that she was showing off her pretty knickers and with my robe having a slight tent pole sticking out the front which she undoubtedly saw I had to quickly tighten it up to avoid total exposure, I think she was more concerned about her own dignity as she pulled her dress down and closed her legs, “Right princess, more coffee coming up.. oh and help yourself to biscuits” I said quickly turning away to make some fresh coffee..

“It’s my birthday next week Uncle Bill, Mummy is gonna take me to the fun fair, I’m so excited” she said excitedly as I turned to put the coffee on the table standing in front of her, “Oh wow princess, you are getting to be a big girl” I replied, “Yeah, I’ll be eleven then and will be going to big school, will you get me a present” she said with a giggle and I couldn’t let that big occasion go, “Oh I’m sure I can give you a treat princess, it’s not everyday you go to big school” I said still standing in front of her with coffee cup in my hand and I could see she was getting excited and I noticed she even looked down at my robe which seemed to move all on its own..

“Will it be a nice treat Uncle Bill, I do likes nice treats, Oooh maybe you get me a silk robe, I loves your silk robe Uncle Bill” she said focusing her eyes again.. “Well you’ll just have to wait and see princess, but I know you’ll be happy” I said feeling I should move away and go and sit down to finish my coffee..

“Tell you what princess, let’s have a longer break, why don’t you come and sit on my lap for another cuddle and you can finish off the biscuits with your coffee” I suggested and saw her little face light up with excitement, “Really Uncle Bill, I’d so like that” she said pushing her coffee mug across the table and jumping up so I pushed my chair out keeping my legs closed so she could jump on and as she swung her leg over me and sat down she inadvertently loosened the tie but for now it wasn’t a problem however what could be a problem was that with her legs wide my semi hard dick had become exposed and was pressing against the soft cotton of her panties, luckily her dress was hiding it from view..

"Oooh this is nice Uncle Bill, I likes sitting here” she said as she grabbed a biscuit and dunked it in her coffee, I put one arm around her waist and the other on top of her thigh feeling the softness of her skin and she seemed really happy munching away and I could feel my cock getting harder between her legs, “Are you comfortable princess” I asked as she wiggled a little in my lap and she turned her head up to look at me, “Oh yes, I loves your cuddles Uncle Bill, I’m not too heavy am I” she said with a sigh and in all honesty she was no weight at all.. “Oh no princess, you’re just fine” I replied as I slowly eased my hand up her thigh turning my fingers inside and it wasn’t long before I felt my growing arousal between her legs..

“I wished I had a daddy like you Uncle Bill, it would be so nice to have cuddles like this every day.. I would really like that” she said out of the blue and I felt all fuzzy having her give me a compliment like that and as I fiddled with the buttons on her dress forcing a couple to open I pushed my hand inside feeling her soft belly, she didn’t complain and in fact I think she liked the close contact even though my touch made her giggle.. “That’s really nice of you to say that Princess and if you want I don’t mind you calling me Daddy.. but it’s our secret, you mustn’t tell your mummy” I said to her as I felt my cock pulsing against her crotch, I could sense her excitement, “Really daddy, I would so love that and I promise to keep it secret, I loves secrets daddy” she said enthusiastically holing up her little finger.. “Pinky promise daddy” she said so I brought my hand up from her leg and we wrapped our little fingers around to make a pinky promise, I think I’d just made her day…

“Do we have any more cleaning to do daddy” she asked as we finished our coffee and she took the last biscuit, “I guess we could do upstairs if you wanted to princess, it shouldn’t take long” I replied and I’ve never seen anyone so happy about cleaning before.. “Oooh yes daddy, I’d like that, come on.. let’s get it done” she said wiggling on my lap to get herself off and as she stood in front of me I could see the undone buttons around her midriff which she made no attempt to do up nor did she make any comment on seeing my penis as I was a bit slow to do my robe up however the bulge in the front told the story.. “Right then Princess, you want me to carry you up” I said holding out my arms, “Yes daddy" she said with a big smile and now that I had an erection it made it more difficult however Tina didn’t seem put off by it as I lifted her up and as she wrapped her legs around my waist she held her arms around my neck but I certainly felt my cock pushing hard into her crotch, good job she had knickers on or god knows what would’ve happened..

Climbing stairs with her on board wasn’t an easy task either as the momentum kept my penis prodding at her, “This fun daddy” she said giggling and she must’ve felt me pressing against her but what was pleasing was she thought it was all a game, I so loved this girl, so sweet and innocent and she didn’t even mind me holding on to her arse cheeks even though my fingers were pushing into her cotton clad crack.. I had to go up the stairs slowly in order to keep my balance and even the discomfort of having my boner pressing against her gusset seemed quite bearable and from her soft girlish giggles I think she was ok, she just loved cuddles..

We finally got into my bedroom and I plonked her down on the bed, “OMG daddy, you haven’t even made your bed” she said laughing as she laid on her back with her knees up and wide, I stood there looking down at the delights between her legs, “No, someone woke me up in a hurry this morning didn’t they” I said laughing but not making a big thing about it as with her help it could be easily rectified.. “Oh yeah, I forgot daddy” she said laughing as she sat up on the side of the bed right in front of me looking directly at my flag pole which pushed my silky robe out, there was a moment of awkward silence and I wasn’t sure what she was going to do next..

The thing about girls her age is that they are very curious and not afraid to ask questions and my little princess here was no different as she looked at my flagpole with a curious look on her face, “Daddy.. why is your robe sticking out like that” she said briefly looking up at me and then back down focusing on my bulging robe and it was important that I didn’t mislead her and gave her an honest answer.. “Well Princess, underneath my robe is my penis and sometimes it grows bigger than normal, it’s perfectly normal and nothing at all to worry about, it just shows that daddy is happy” I said softly which was the best I could come up with which did seem to appease her up to a point.. “Oh wow, I did notice it earlier and it made me wonder, I’m glad your happy daddy” she said enthusiastically as she stared at it for longer than she really should have but I didn’t mind however it seemed to be pulsing up and down which did make her laugh, “Why is it moving daddy, it’s funny like that” she said smiling.. “Oh it just means that the bigger it gets then the happier daddy is, sometimes it moves about a bit but it’s perfectly natural" I said reassuringly and she went all quiet as she tried to process the information..

It would appear that our cleaning had been put on the back burner as my bulging robe became the focus of attention which I didn’t mind at all and with Tina sitting there nervously twitching her fingers I was quite enjoying the attention, suddenly she glanced up at me with a very coy look on her face, “Daddy?” she said and then paused like she was scared to say what was on her mind, “What’s up princess, you know you can ask me anything” I replied reassuringly and she bowed her head again like what she wanted to ask was shameful in some way.. another long pause and then in a really soft voice she came out with it.. “Daddy, Um.. would it be wrong for me to.. Um.. ask to see it, I mean just briefly.. I never seen one before and I’m kinda curious now” she said really nervously and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes hoping that I wouldn’t bite her head off, “I promise not to tell anyone daddy, it’s our secret.. please daddy.. I just wanna see it” she added and I really felt for her, how could I possibly refuse such a sweet request with her birthday coming up..

“Well my lovely little princess, I really can’t see what harm it would do, after all you are a big girl now and if you promise it’ll be our secret then I don’t see a problem with it” I said as I teasingly moved my hand down to the tie on my robe, her little face lit up in anticipation.. “Oh wow.. really daddy.. I so loves being with you” she said as I slowly started to pull at the chord and her eyes widened as my cock pulsed again just as I opened my robe pulling it wide and holding it to my hips displaying my rather rampant penis standing hard against my belly, her jaw dropped as she stared at my veiny shaft with the top of my helmet exposed..

It took her a few minutes to process what she was seeing, “OMG daddy, you must be really happy, it’s so big and hard now, I loves seeing it like that, but daddy.. what are those hanging things down there?” she said inquisitively looking down at my hanging balls and it seemed like this cleaning session was quickly developing into a sex education class.. “Those are my testicles Princess, they store the semen which is used to make babies” I said and straight away I could see the confusion on her face, bless her.. she had no idea really what I was talking about but I knew I had to tread carefully so as not to fill her head with too much information..

“Oh ok daddy, you kinda lost me there but I do likes to look at it, can I look some more.. please daddy, I likes seeing you happy” she said still nervously twitching her fingers and I was more than happy to accept her request, “Of course you can Princess, it makes me really happy that you like what you see, you can look for as long as you like” I said as she focused her eyes again but this time she moved a little closer and I was thinking about moving her education on to the next step.. “Tell you what Princess, seeing as you’ve been a really good girl and as an early birthday treat how would you like to touch it, I don’t mind if you do that is if you want to” I said and straight away she looked up at me with her eyes widened and a big smile on her face, “What daddy.. for real?? You mean I can actually touch it.. wow! I love you daddy” she said excitedly as she prepared to nervously move her hands and do something that up until today she’d probably never even thought about.. “Take your time princess and if you want you can even touch my testicles” I added as she nervously moved her hands up her thighs getting herself ready.. “But daddy, I don’t know what to do.. can you help me.. please daddy” she sighed softly and I was more than happy to direct her..

“Ok princess, hold out you left hand like this” I said cupping my hand and she did as asked, “Now move it underneath my testicles and cup your hand giving them a gentle squeeze, not too hard though” I instructed and being the good student she was she followed my instructions to the letter.. “Oh Wow daddy, they feel kinda funny and hairy too” she said with a giggle as she gently squeezed my balls and I have to say her warm little hands did feel nice.. “Right, now with the other hand I want you to reach out and wrap your fingers around the hard shaft like you were holding a pole or something.. (She did as asked).. that’s it, very good, now how does that feel” I asked as she took hold of my veiny shaft about halfway up.. she was almost trembling with delight as she focused on what she was doing and with her tiny fingers wrapped around the shaft I have to say it felt damn good.. “OMG daddy, I’m loving this, it feels so hard..Oooh this is so exciting” she gasped as she have it a gentle squeeze keeping hold of my balls, I reached down and put my hand on top of hers.. “Now what you can do is slowly run your hand up and down like this, this will make daddy really happy” I said as I moved her hand up and down and she laughed when she saw my helmet poking out the top playing peek a boo with each stroke.. “Wow that’s so funny daddy, do you likes it” she mumbled as I took my hand away letting her do it all by herself.. “Oh god yes, you are doing such a great job there my little princess, daddy really loves it and it’s making me so happy” I said feeling tingles running through my body as she started to slowly masturbate me even though my helmet popping in and out of my foreskin was making her giggle..

She seemed to be taking to it like a duck to water and I thought it might be better if I got more comfortable, “You’re doing so well my princess, why don’t I take this robe right off and lay on the bed for you, I think you’ll enjoy it much better” I said in a raspy voice but my motives were genuine as my legs were trembling, “Really daddy, I loves that idea, Oooh you look better nakie daddy” she said as I slipped my robe off and the only downside was she had to let go of me in order for me to get on the unmade bed, I laid down flat on my back with my legs apart and she kneeled beside me looking down at me.. “Is it alright if I carry on daddy, I loves playing with your penis, OMG it’s dribbling.. what is that” she gasped as she reached down taking my penis back in her little hand and holding it upright and with the foreskin pulled right back there was a little precum oozing out the tip, I figured I’d better explain what that was as she continued exploring my bits with her hand..

“Well my little princess, that’s called precum and when a man is happy sometimes a little fluid oozes out of the tip, it’s quite harmless and it actually tastes quite nice” I said in basic terms and I think she understood it and got a little excited, “Oooh I’m so glad that your happy daddy, can I taste it.. I’d really like to try it” she said as she eased her hand up my shaft milking a little more precum out, “Of course you can and I’m sure you’ll like it, just scoop a bit up with your finger” I said as I looked down and saw her running her finger across the top and quickly putting it in her mouth, I waited for a reaction as she savoured the taste in her mouth.. “Mmm daddy, it’s quite nice, I likes it” she said as she scooped up a little more and at this point I thought it best to explain about ejaculation as that was the obvious next stage in the process..

“Mmm I really like it daddy, does more come out if I carry on making you happy” she asked which was a great question which led me on to a difficult explanation.. “Actually yes my little princess, if you make daddy really happy then there’s a great chance of a lot more coming out but this will be more white in colour and there could be a lot more of it” I said as she continued gently rubbing my cock, she looked at me rather excitedly and my gut feeling was that she wanted to make me really happy.. "Do I have to keep rubbing it like this for that to happen daddy” she asked and I did have a couple of options that she could try, I reached out my arm putting my hand on the back of her thigh and stated to gently rub her moving my hand inside as I worked my way up and I noticed that she widened her knees to give me better access..

“There is another method you could try if you want to princess” I said softly as my fingers reached the top of her thigh, “Oooh that’s nice daddy.. what’s the other method, will it make you even more happy” she asked as my hand explored her little arse cheeks and the gap between her thighs..

“Do you like ice pops princess” I asked her and she looked at me with that sweet curious face again.. “Oh yeah daddy, who doesn’t like ice pops” she said excitedly thinking I was going to give her a treat which in a way I was, “And of course you like ice cream right” I added and she nodded her head intently waiting for me to finish.. “Well imagine that my penis is an ice pop and inside is ice cream.. (she smiled at the thought).. well what you can do is to suck on the ice pop until you get the ice cream and then if you swallow all the ice cream down then that will make daddy the happiest man ever” I said and could see her looking down at my rock hard rod wondering if that’s something she could do successfully or even want to do, touching it and rubbing it was one thing but putting it in her mouth sounded disgusting, I could see it in her face but I also knew that she wanted to make daddy happy…

There was a moments silence as she imagined what it would be like and from the look on her face I could see she wanted to do it however I could also see the apprehension in her eyes, “But what if I get ice cream all down my dress daddy, what will mummy say.. I really do want to make you happy daddy” she said and there was an easy solution to that one, “Take it off princess, I won’t mind if you do and you’ll feel much more comfortable” I said reassuringly as she released her grip on my cock and with my hand still between her legs she eased her dress up over her head, she got giggly again as she knelt there in just her little white knickers and I didn’t want to push my luck by asking her to take them off..

She reached down again and took hold of my penis and started to gently rub it again and the increase in her breathing told me that what my fingers were exploring felt good to her and very slowly she leant down arching her back which pushed her little arse outwards and her face was about an inch away from the swollen tip of my penis, “That’s it Princess, you’re doing great.. Oh yes, that’s really nice” I said softly as she ran her tongue around the exposed tip scooping up the oozing precum, “Mmm.. I likes this daddy.. it tastes nice” she said softly as my fingers wandered up to her arse cheeks and then back down between her open legs..

As I felt her lips encase my helmet I pulled her closer, “Oh yes princess, that’s so nice, Why don’t you put your leg over me” I said excitedly as I felt the suction on my helmet and her saliva dribbling down my shaft and as her leg came over I reached up grabbing her little arse cheeks pulling her down towards my face, OMG she smelt so sweet as my nose pushed into her crack and I could taste the cotton of her gusset as my tongue flicked around her developing slit, she pulled up briefly.. Oh wow daddy, that feels so good, do it more” she gasped as my cock went back into her mouth and I noticed that not only did the suction increase but she was using her tongue flicking across my helmet.. this girl was a natural..

I squeezed her soft cheeks and managed to dislodge her knickers from her crack pulling them to one side which also loosened up her gusset and now I had the freedom to explore her totally smooth slit and with my tongue opening her up I could taste her sweetness causing her to gasp with feelings she’d never experienced before, this seemed to spur her on and she took my cock deeper into her mouth and with my nose pushed up against her pouting sphincter my tongue burrowed its way inside her, it wasn’t long before her body started to spasm and my little princess experienced her first ever orgasm, her warm juices seemed to flow right into my mouth and how she didn’t bite my cock off is a mystery..

I pushed her up slightly to take a breath, “Get ready for the ice cream princess” I gasped as I was getting so close and she pulled her head up slightly grabbing the base of my cock and as her suction hit maximum she started to milk me into her mouth, I pulled her down tight onto my face pushing my tongue back inside her now dripping cunt as I felt my cock pulsating shooting my first load of the day into her mouth and with the vibrations of my groans running through her little body I could sense her guzzling down my cream but it was all too much for her and she had to pull up getting the remainder of my jizz splashing into her pretty little face, good job we took her dress off..

She didn’t stop there as my cock was still dribbling and she quickly returned wrapping her lips around my bellend and sucking out the remainder with a loud moan, “Mmmmmmmm” could be heard from down below and I just knew that she’d enjoyed her first blow job…

To Be Continued…
게시자: britguy
14일 전
하거나 하여 댓글 게시
Absolutely beautiful and I'm so horny now after reading this. 💖💖💦💦💦💦💦
Thank you , rock hard here reading about cute Tina mmmm
Juicygob2 13일 전
Can’t wait to find out what happens next 