210 – Referrals are Always Good

After a couple of days living the high life with Posh Rita it was nice to have a day of non-activity, I planned to stay home and chill out, Sam had gone to school and Mother was out with friends for the day, I was alone and loving every minute of it.. I took a long hot bath and sat down on the sofa with a sandwich and a soda listening to some music, it was so peaceful until the phone rang disturbing my peace.. to be honest with the adverts for work out there it wasn’t entirely unexpected and something that Mother and Sam had got used to however the percentage of weirdos was increasing which had made my decision to let the ads run out and I’d put myself in the free ads paper that came through the door, much better coverage too and it should go live this week.. I’d entrusted Mother to sort it out and choose the wording, anyway.. I picked up the phone..

“Hello, Mikie speaking” I said and waited.. “Hello Mikie, this is Molly Mason and I’m a trainee social worker assigned to your case” she said in what sounded like a Jamaican accent, very polite too.. “Oh ok, hello Molly” I replied as butterflies went through my stomach, I hope she wasn’t planning on sending me back to school.. “I’d like to pop round if it’s convenient and introduce myself and perform an out of school assessment, I can be with you in an hour” she said and I still had flutters in my tummy, I kinda liked her accent.. “That’s fine Miss, I’ll be here” I said nervously as I’d had no warning and now only an hour to prepare.

Molly sounded OK and if I have to have a social worker then she’d sounds just the ticket, she didn’t sound old either, probably 20’s at a guess if she’s only a trainee.
I wasn’t even dressed yet having been chilling out I in just a baggy tee shirt and my dilemma now was so I dress to impress or just be me in a pair of shorts..

I must say that hour went quickly and even though I was expecting out the doorbell made me jump.. I went too the door wanting to get this done as quickly as possible and as it opened the door there stood a rather attractive West Indian lady, she glanced me up and down, “Hello, I’m Molly.. you must be Mikie, so nice to meet you” she said politely in her lovely accent.. “Yes, please come in, can I make you a tea?” I said directing her into the kitchen as I looked down at I her long silky brown legs which hung down from her dark flared skirt, io could just make out the outline of her bra strap beneath her crisp white blouse, she was very well dressed as you’d expect from a social worker.. “Why not.. Yes please Mikie, that’s very sweet of you” she replied as she took a seat at the table placing her folder ion front of her, I loved her short hair and big brown eyes, her lips were big and full, she had a very slim and slender body on her.. she was a very prim and proper professional lady and as I made the tea I started to feel quite comfortable.

Although I noticed that her legs were not quite together having a flared pleated skirt on it fell between her thighs avoiding any accidental exposure and as my eyes drifted upwards I could clearly see her white bra against her dark skin, her blouse was quite thin and semi-transparent, her smooth dark skin shone in the sunlight..

I finished making the tea.. “Where do you want to go Molly” I asked still holding both mugs.. no cup and saucer here matey.. she looked up at me with her big brown eyes.. “I will require to see everything Mikie so shall we start in the lounge?” she said with a warm smile and I was sure her eyes dropped briefly checking out my baggy shorts that is decided to wear, I may be wrong.
We went into the lounge and I put the teas on the table while Molly looked around, “Nice home Mikie, you must work hard” she said as she finally sat down on the sofa with her folder on her lap.. I sat down opposite hoping for a quick peek but also it made conversation easier..
She opened her folder and started to read the notes contained within so there was a brief silence which was expected and then she looked up and gave me another warm smile.. “So let’s talk about your work, which is the main reason you left school, how’s that going? What sort of work do you do?” she asked and I wanted this to be as brief as possible because I knew I’d I went into too much detail I’d get an unwanted arousal; Molly had given no indication that this was anything but a genuine assessment.. I sipped my tea as I gathered my thoughts..

“It’s going well Molly, it’s enabled Mother to give up one of her jobs” I said as I saw Mollys big brown eyes widen, she was surprised.. “Wow that’s excellent” she said as she made notes.. “So what kind of work have you done?.. if I know your talents I can recommend you.. it must be hard fitting it in sometimes” she said taking an interest in my development, I loved it when she spoke, her accent driving me wild inside..

“It is so varied Miss Molly, I’ve done gardening to cleaning, fixing things and filling holes to even companionship.. I even did life modelling for one client and I’m also learning massage, to be honest Miss Molly, I’ll try my hand at anything.. I’m learning so much” I said excitedly giving far more information than I’d intended but Molly listened intently as she noted down my brief resume.. “Wow Mikie” she gasped as she sat back on the sofa almost in disbelief, her body language changed and she seemed far more relaxed.. “You have done some interesting things; do you mind if we discuss this in more depth?.. I’d very much like to offer you my support” she said as she looked over at me sitting with my legs spread like a man does but safe in the knowledge that in these baggy shorts I was safe from any flashing..

“A lot of what you’ve listed there must involve a fair bit of physicality.. but even being a strapping lad, I couldn’t help but notice.. (she giggled).. but even so Mikie, it must be very hard.. I’m guessing you like ‘hard’?” she added with a cheeky grin and I couldn’t help but notice her over use of the word ‘hard’.. “How’s your tea?” I asked before we embarked on our in depth conversation.. she looked up at me mug in hand.. “Oh it’s wonderful Mikie, very refreshing making me feel warm inside.. (she rubbed her tummy).. nothing better than a warm feeling in your tummy Mikie” she replied taking another sip.. “Oh I totally agree Miss Molly.. I love that warm feeling too” I said which made her smile.. “Ok Mikie, gardening and cleaning can be quite strenuous but relatively straightforward.. do you have male and female clients?” she asked kicking off the conversation.. “They are the more mundane jobs Miss Molly, but I’ve met some lovely people and its regular work” I replied as she continued to make notes.. “That’s excellent Mikie, nothing better than having someone regularly.. is that where the companionship comes in?” she asked and I was beginning to pick up on her choice our words.. Hmm.

“Yes I believe it is, clients like the chat, I never rush my work Miss Molly, I like to be thorough.. iris important that I leave the client happy” I said sincerely and noticed Molly subconsciously heave out her chest pushing her bra hard against her blouse and already the topic of conversation was making my dick twitch.
My view was short lived as she relaxed back on the sofa ready for the next item.. “That’s a very good work ethic Michael, a satisfied customer is a returning customer and your thoroughness will serve you well” she said encouragingly.. “So do you just spend time talking or do other tasks come up?” she asked trying to better understand my job roles, I fully understood that..

“I love talking Miss Molly and you’d be surprised at what comes up, it’s all about satisfying the client Miss” I responded as again she took notes.. “I’m sure, This is why we have these conversations, see what comes up, I learn so much about my clients, you seem very proficient orally Mikie” she said again choosing her words carefully.. “That was great Mikie” she said putting her empty mug on the side table, “Maybe I’ll have another tummy warmer later” she said as she got back to her notes..
“So, fixing things and filling holes, that must need some expertise Mikie, do you have to find the holes or does the client know which holes they need filling? Sounds very interesting.. maybe I should get a handyman like you Mikie” she said with a touch of humour as she adjusted her position slightly.. “Again that can vary Miss Molly, sometimes the client knows what holes to fill and other times I’ve discovered cracks and holes while performing my duties, I have a keen eye and if I find a crack I like to investigate as I’ve found a hole hidden out of plain sight.. I’ll always discuss my findings with the client and decide on what preparations are required and then proceed.. clients like me thinking outside the box and you’d be surprised how many people have cracks and holes hidden within their personal space, even your good self Miss Molly” I said and could now feel my cock starting to respond and while my tee shirt hid my blushes to a point I could feel it rising..

“Wow Michael, you certainly do go the extra mile and that’s admirable.. I’m sure you’re correct in your assumption, tell me.. do you have any special tools to fill holes and do you use your own filler.. must add to costs surely” she asked as she sat forward on the sofa widening her legs to balance the folder.. her dark thighs ensuring the lighting wasn’t in my favour but I could just make out the bright white of her knickers against her silky dark skin, my first glimpse of panties..

“I have a special solution which is a trade secret Miss, using my own insertion tool I can fill most holes, it doesn’t add to the cost to be fair Miss” I said as I glanced across seeing her eye line had dropped to my baggy shorts which clearly showed movement.. “You obviously think of everything Michael, so tell me.. on average how many holes would a client need filled?” she asked seemingly taking a keen interest in this line of work and I’m pretty sure she could see my bulge choosing to keep the conversation moving with her questions..

“Again that can vary, can be two or three depending on the client’s requirements Miss Molly.. I make sure I have enough filler on hand to cover all eventualities, sometimes a hole may need filling multiple times Miss” I said which made her wide eyes bulge.. “Wow.. that’s encouraging that you’re so thoughtful ensuring client satisfaction.. so lastly Mikie, how did you get into massage?” She asked as she tried to focus on my bulge, her body language was giving me goosebumps as she continued balancing her folder on her widened legs..

“It started with an older male client who asked the question, I decided to give it a go and was surprised at how enjoyable it was seeing the client relaxing and satisfied, it’s kinda spiralled from there and it’s a service I now offer” I said which again surprised her as she quickly made notes before expanding on the subject, “I’ve always wanted a massage Mikie but never find the time.. so you massaged a man first.. (I nodded).. and was he naked?” she said inquisitively and again I nodded my head, “And just to be clear, you gave a naked man a full body massage, back and front.. that’s so cool Mikie, sorry for asking but did you also massage his private areas?” she asked in total disbelief, my cock was solid as she continued her line of personal communication..

“A full body massage Miss is full body, nothing left out and I aim to give complete satisfaction.. hell, I’ve even found holes that needed filling so it serves a double purpose” I said excited by the thread even though I was giving far too much information out.. she hurriedly made her notes and placed her folder to the side and again heaved her chest out, she didn’t even adjust her legs leaving a brighter view up her dark pleated skirt which wasn’t tucked between her thighs, oh how I loved her little white knickers against her silky dark skin, I had a clear view now to the point of seeing her puffy cameltoe, I think she was unaware of her exposure..

“Wow Mikie, obviously what you’ve told me is in the strictest confidence and thank you for being open and honest, what I’d like to do now, and it’s standard practice by the way, is quickly check your physique.. is that alright Michael” she said reassuringly as she subconsciously licked her luscious lips.. “Of course Miss, no problem” I replied as being an exhibitionist and comfortable in my own skin I was more than happy as I stood up however I wasn’t aware that my baggy shorts would turn my dick into a flagpole.. she looked up at me pointing to a spot a couple of feet in front of her.. “If you could just stand here for me Mikie, I’ll make it as quick and painless as possible” she said with her eyes fixed firmly on said flagpole as it wobbled as I walked..

“Oh wow.. you are a growing lad aren’t you” she said excitedly as I stood in front of her with my flagpole pulsing inside my shorts and as I looked down I could just see a hint of her dark globes tucked into her tight bra creating a small cleavage, it even looked like her nipples were stiffening and poking against the thin materials that confined them..
“This all looks normal for a lad of your age Mikie, maybe if you slipped your shirt off for me, I’d like to just check your muscle tone.. it’s standard procedure" she asked covering her self against any immoral thoughts on my behalf..
I quickly pulled off my shirt showing my toned upper body and noticed my cock was standing upright in my shorts.. she looked me up and down and moved to the edge of the sofa within touching distance.. “Oh I think your muscle mass is just fine Mikie” she said as she reached out and ran her fingers across my chest and down my arms feeling my toned skin.. “Oh yes, I’d say perfect muscle mass Mikie” she sighed softly in her lovely Jamaican accent.. her eyes lingered on my bulge as she pulled her hands away..

“Excuse me for saying this Mikie but you seem to have developed increased muscle mass.. um.. down inside your shorts.. I think it’ll be a good idea if you were to drop your shorts so that I can examine the area and determine if it’s natural.. can you do that for me Mikie” she said rather hesitantly as she licked her lips to avoid any unnecessary dribble running out and as I put my fingers nervously into my waistband I was conscious that I was going to expose myself to an attractive black lady for the very first time, I was so excited my cock pulsed right in front of her eyes.. I eased the waistband over my boner and let gravity do the rest as my shorts slipped down my legs.. poor Molly gasped.. “Holy shit Michael, and you’re still growing.. Wow that is a fine specimen of a male penis” she said excitedly as my cock stood loud and proud hard up against my belly, I could see her hands twitching and she turned her head every which way admiring my meat from all angles, she was totally mesmerised and her breathing rate had increased.. she looked up at me briefly.. “Wow Michael, I know this is rather unorthodox but.. (she hesitated).. and in no way is this standard practice.. but would you mind if I touched it.. just quickly” she asked and then quickly backtracked.. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what come over me there Mikie, of course it’s not alright, it’s in breach of all my professional standards” she said as she lowered her gaze to at least have another quick look before I covered myself up in disgust, I knew she wanted to so I had to be a little sensitive to her cause..

“Miss Molly?” I gasped in slight disbelief.. “Listen, I know it’s unethical and against professional standards but.. (I hesitated).. I guess if it’s a quick touch it wouldn’t matter, after all Miss, it’s only us here so who would know” I said softly without seeming too keen, she glanced up at me briefly.. “Really? That’s so kind and understanding of you Mikie” she said with even more excitement in her voice and I saw her hands twitching as she raised them slowly towards my erection.. she gently wrapped her fingers around my throbbing shaft and eased the foreskin back to expose my shiny purple head.. “Oh wow.. it’s so hard Mikie, please let me take care of this for you.. (she reached her other hand up to cup my swollen balls).. these certainly feel like they need emptying” she said softly as she squeezed my gonads, how could I refuse such a nice offer..

I stepped closer and Molly widened her legs to accommodate me as I agreed to her demands, “Yes Miss Molly, they certainly could do with emptying” I said softly giving her the green light and it was like she had a new toy for Christmas, I couldn’t wait to get those big, luscious lips around my tackle.. she leant in and gently ran her tongue up the full length of my shaft and it sent tingles through my body as she ran her tongue around the tip licking up the precum that was oozing out.. “Mmm and it tastes so nice too Mikie” she sighed taking a quick breath..
She soon got back to it slurping her saliva around my shaft letting some run into her fingers which she used to lubricate my shaft with the rest dribbling down to my balls, she did like herself some white cock.

As her big luscious lips encased my helmet I immediately felt the warmth of her mouth as she pulled my cock outwards wanking me deeper until I felt the tightness of her throat causing her to gag spewing more saliva down my dick, she quickly returned having got her gag reflexes sorted and I was amazed at how much of my cock she got into her mouth, I was so tempted to thrust but feared I’d choke her so let her make the running..

Molly had no idea what was about to hit her, how would she.. she didn’t know my first cum of the day was a heavy one but I had a feeling her love for sucking cock would see her through as her head started to bob back and forth with her hand corkscrewing up and down my well lubricated shaft and she was really bringing me to the edge as my erratic breathing demonstrated.. god this was good, those lips.. damn.

My orgasm took us both by surprise no more so than poor Molly who pulled back after the first spurt as it was way too much and she just couldn’t swallow quick enough and as subsequent spurts fired firstly into her face, oh the sight of white cum on her silky dark olive skin was so arousing, followed by squirting directly onto her white blouse which subsequently dripped onto her dark skirt, she quickly rectified the situation guiding my pulsating cock back into her mouth swallowing profusely as she continued to squeeze my bollocks.

Finally, as my spurting subsided I felt her tongue cleaning up my helmet as she sucked the last drops out of me, she looked up at me and I was fully expecting her to be angry for cumming all over her face and more importantly, her clothes but as my cock softened and flopped out of her mouth she actually saw the funny side of the predicament.. "Oops Mikie, wasn’t expecting so much.. at least we’ve released some of the pressure” she said with a giggle as she sat back upright, the sight of my creamy white mess dripping down her face was about as erotic as it gets, she just opened out her skirt and seeing the darkened splotchy globules of cum smiled.. “I guess I’m going to need your washing machine Mikie” she said as calmly as you like, we both laughed as she scooped up my cum from her face and licking her fingers.. “You do have a washing machine Mikie, don’t you” she said in a brief panic but I reassured her that Mother had recently purchased a new washer/dryer with my hard earnings, “No idea how it works though” I said laughing as I pulled up my shorts and led her out to the kitchen.

“Ahh that’s pretty simple Mikie, we’ll put it on a quick was setting and hope for the best” she said as she pulled her blouse out of her skirt and started to undo the buttons, I sat down at the table out of her way while her shirt came off exposing her tight white bra and it was pretty clear her nipples were stiff as bullets, she flung her shirt into the washer and reached around to unzip her skirt.. “Sorry about this Mikie, I never envisaged I’d be finishing off our meeting in my underwear” she said with a chuckle as her dark pleated skirt hit the floor.. OMG they should make white underwear compulsory for black people, she looked amazing as she bent slightly to put her skirt into the washer.. as she stood up straight looking at the state of the art digital keypad I noticed how her lower back arched in and her bulbous cotton clad arse sticked out.. wow!!

“I’m sure we’ll manage Miss Molly; shall I make another cup of tea?” I said as it was obvious she wasn’t going anywhere soon, she smiled at me warmly.. “Yes Mikie, that’ll be nice.. nothing better than a warm tummy” she said with a cheeky grin as I put the kettle on.
Forget about professional ethics for a minute, I don’t for a minute think that Molly regretted her actions even if it meant her being covered in my white sticky mess, she had a glow about her as she picked the setting for a quick wash which even that could take a couple of hours, I guess this assessment was going to be a long one and with Molly in her knickers and bra, a very pleasurable one.

To Be Continued….
Pubblicato da britguy
1 anno fa
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nicolaslut 1 anno fa
hot hot hope she like all holes filled
Naughtynev69 1 anno fa
Yummy, more please