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Il punto di vista di una ragazza - Parte 2

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          Tutti i Commenti (178)

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          2 anni fa
          I'm actually pretty interested in how he turned into a girl in the first place I mean porn videos don't usually have lore but I am still interested
          1 mese fa
          Long long ago, on 4chan, some really weird /b/ro's use to make up these stories about a pill that would temporarily change you into a girl and make you absolutely crave dick, and then something happens and it becomes permanent and you can't change back. I think the pill was call xchange or something. I'm not sure if the creator came across the same thread or an afterimage, but it's basically the same idea.
          2 anni fa
          I don't wanna analyze this ; I'm just here to fap... but it seems the body he is in isn't entirely his in anyway, like he has very little control, he's more just spectating then playing
          1 anno fa
          Yeah. This seams a lot like a Kris (Deltarune) type situation.
          2 anni fa
          ha anal lyzing
          2 anni fa
          Finnaly now make a pt3
          Animation Is sick, but i personally dont like the idea of two guys coming out of nowhere and fucking her line that cuh
          10 mesi fa
          porn isnt exactly known for its good writing, but I can agree it was a little too surreal
          1 anno fa
          technically this is gay porn
          2 anni fa
          I was like really into that but it just made me uncomfortable that a guy watching or making this might think: "when you have a female brain and body, you can't help it, you don't want to like being used but you do" it's just not true its a fucking nightmare omg this ruined my night I thought it was just a normal hentai
          1 anno fa
          If you listen to the voices with the inner thoughts, you can tell that she is switching over until it a fully female voice. It was a subtle thing to place in here. You can't tell me you haven't thought about what boobs and a female orgasm feels like.
          1 anno fa
          I think this story has nothing to do with reality, and you need to understand that this is the author's fantasy. I think that the author did not want to hurt the feelings of women and, like all normal guys, shows respect for them first of all as a person. But back to the story, I think that this guy from the video was really lustful, and when the transformation happened, he changed not only his body, but also his depraved thoughts in the opposite direction, so he was ready to give himself to any
          2 anni fa
          After 20 years in exile we return.
          2 anni fa
          Did he lose control of his body then? Because if a guy did that to me on a train I’d kick him in the balls
          10 mesi fa
          there are girls on this platform?
          2 anni fa
          so would I and I even like dick.... the assumption that a female body necessarily means you want strangers' dicks inside you made me feel very uneasy
          We need part 3,please
          2 anni fa
          the truth is that it is a series that deserves a part 3 not only because of the porn but because it seems that the story is taking a good path and the truth is that the waiting time for part 2 was worth it voices 10/10 animated 8/10 history 7/10 sex scenes 9/10

          Playlist Contenenti Il Punto Di Vista Di Una Ragazza - Parte 2

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