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6 anni fa
People are saying this video is weak. I think it's HOT. It put me in the mind of two people secretly in love who couldn't wait to finally sneak in a moment alone; he projects his desire and frustration into his thrusts and she completely submits to savor his passion. She does nothing but FEEL. You people must be boring in the sack.
4 giorni fa
Personally I fall into the former category (see my other reply) and think the somewhat less professional and produced parts actually further add to the sense that this is two people spontaneously going at it and builds upon the fantasy. There's so many stories one could form up about why/how they're doing this here like that, and that freedom for imagination truly does so much I think.
4 giorni fa
I can see how it would be divisive. If one has a fantasy of spontaneous, taboo, or sudden sex with a stranger with whom you get lost in the moment (those are the main fantasies I could see people forming in their mind from this). Thus for folks who are into such things this vid is smoking. I could see how someone not necessarily especially into the idea of those things might be a little disappointed at the lack of variety, length, different (and higher quality) camera shots, etc though.
6 anni fa
Everyone is on this video but in all reality, its really fucking hot. Shes submitting to him. I find his rhythm unique and in all honestly, Id love to get fucked like this.
4 anni fa
100% agree this is a great heated scene
4 anni fa
Yea I fuck just like this guy... with BALANCE.
7 anni fa
Rythm is non existent with this guy
because he's probably under influence of ....see his eyes? but she is stunning with her moaning and orgasm
2 anni fa
😂 He was probably nervous?
6 anni fa
Don’t understand all the negativity...she obviously loves what he is doing, why are so many people acting as though this was disrespectful to her? A rough fuck from behind us a great thing! As far as his “rhythm”, in my opinion he is trying not to finish too fast. It seems to me too many people are being too sensitive in general. Sex can be a wonderful, rough and dirty thing sometimes and that’s ok!
5 anni fa
Yeah but there is a way to make rough and dirty feel good and a way to make it just hurt. He just made it hurt the entire time like it was cool.
7 anni fa
Lighting's really cool, background music is pretty sweet, setting's overall kinky: the stage was set for a great video... But then the guy was super rough and selfish and clearly showed no respect to his partner and I could not watch more than 2 minutes.
2 anni fa
some of us enjoy being used 😀
5 anni fa
I also couldn’t watch more than 2 minutes. But that’s a whole nother issue
7 anni fa
Call me crazy but I really liked this... Maybe I like selfish people, just to watch not to fell
6 anni fa
Nah, you know you'd enjoy this lol
He did absolutely nothing for her.
2 anni fa
I love when my man uses me like this. at home I sure as well get my rocks off too
6 anni fa
dunno, why so many peopled are annoyed about guy, he is powerful and dominating, yes, girl is his sextoy, but that doesn't mean, that she doesn't like that fact i love
7 anni fa
She is amazing but he needs to learn some rhythm!
7 anni fa
Judging by this video this guy is gonna need a prostate exam !!
6 anni fa
@rainydio it’s in a club bathroom and she might be a hoocker and plus I’m doc doc knows everything!!
7 anni fa
But... how do you know? Genuinely interested
6 anni fa
What's up with the idiotic comments, is Pornhub SJW central now? Did virgins invade the site? There's millions of women out there who love rough sex and kink out on the being dominated like this. If it's consensual there's no problem.
Yeah.. the comments are just horrible. This really wasn’t even rough, maybe slightly, but really not like rough videos on this site. Lol I like it rough at times, and to be just told/or shown what they want me to do.
5 anni fa
Yeah but there is a way to make rough feel good and a way to make it just hurt. He just made it hurt the entire time like it was cool.
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