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      86 VIDEO 711K Abbonati
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        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        Well, this is my last bust before stepping away from porn. It's been a wild, sad ride of of porn addiction but I've gotta stop. I'm going to cut this stuff out and reevaluate some core problems with myself and aim to be a better person. This comment is more so for myself, to finally cement the start to ending my addiction and bettering myself as a man. Stay strong brothers.
        9 mesi fa
        i tried that once, took months of me just hating myself bc i couldntt stop, now here we are. right back again. addiction sucks
        1 anno fa
        Thanks man. I’ve come back to this video and this comment several times through life. And now I'm doing it too. I'm joining you. Porn shall not win our souls! We shall thrive without and within feel an immense proud of finally doing it. Finally fixing ourselves. Thank you beautiful community. I love you guys. I love you. 3 Don't ever give, you can do this! We'll get our cuddles one day. One day everything will be okay. Bye guys, and love you truly 3
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        he asked for consent. good
        1 anno fa
        How do we last so long and
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        I have to wonder... what does the Dragonborn do once he's summoned by the Greybeards? Can the Thu'um be taught, like any skill?
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        fus..RO DAH!
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        wana play some rainbow six or mw2 multiplayer. we could also play spec ops if you want. i need someone so i can get a trophy with me
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        Zero doubt he performed his own circumcision.
        2 settimane fa
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        Dude!!! That guy hast to be so flexible!!
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        Porn Station 5
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        Nika's absolutely gorgeous overall, but her nipples are amazingly beautiful. And when I look into her eyes and see that naughty sparkle, I am turned on in that very instant.
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        1 like=1 push up, squat and sit up every day for a month :p
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        ЭТО Я ИЗ ТИК ТОКА))
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        Imagine wanting likes from pornhub
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        I finally made an account
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        I have hot and delicious videos, wet, subscribe and comment, it is very supportive, I waited for you 😈😈😈
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        proud of you
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        Why doesn’t anyone want me.... I can’t take it anymore. I don’t wanna watch this bullshit any longer. I hate myself and always will. No one, not 1 person wants me and it hurts me the most the know that....
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        Bruh stop you’re gonna make me nut
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        That's not true at all. It's actually so hard not to be loved by someone, you would have to try. Stay strong and try to do your best everyday.
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        they are so good i'm starting to think they are actually siblings
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        If your interested in making videos let me know
        %%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
        They definitely found a true love
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