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La nostra prima esperienza di Cornuto, film di marito

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2.1M Visualizzazioni
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20 Video 11.8K Iscritti
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4 anni fa
I'm a big fan of cuckold/hotwife themed vids and this was one of the most erotic and sexy things I have ever come across. There was nothing fake or scripted about the look of pure joy on the wife's face as she felt her new lover filling her. I loved how she was comfortable enough with the encounter to let herself go and to enjoy a truly amazing fuck. She and her husband are truly lucky to have found one another. I'll be checking out more from these folks very soon. Many thanks for sharing.
3 anni fa
Agree 100%! BUt half of the clip shouldn't exist because is the same footage upsidown!!
3 anni fa
Totally agree. Pure joy, nothing fake. Just living in the moment
5 anni fa
fallout 3 soundtrack is fucking amazing
3 anni fa
That's the music of the great singer Billie Holliday.
3 anni fa
I love this video reminds me of when me and my best friend was fucking my wife. We fucked her twice and I can wait till we fill her again. But this time I want to wait an watch them fuck for like an hour before I join. Am trying to convince her to let me and two more of my boys including the one we already did it with. I think she would love that but she is to shy. But anyways love the video and how she telling you how much she likes it.
5 anni fa
The Billie Holiday is a nice touch.
4 anni fa
Awesome choice of music. I always hate it when ppl are being intimate n have rap blaring or rock music. I mean you are setting the mood to be intimate,,,,,,,not start a fist fight.
3 anni fa
I love fucking a married woman, her sexy feet up in the air, my arms on her thighs as I fuck her deep with long strokes of my big, thick 9" dick and her moaning, loving my cock as her husband watches us. Love if she says, "fuck me, baby! Fuck me good!" Love to give her multiple orgasms that shakes her whole body. I love to fuck a wife deep and hard, giving her the big dick she craves.
4 anni fa
Your moans of pleasure and pillow talk is so fucking sexy.
Nothing like a guy with a on his ass banging your wife!
3 anni fa
This video turned me on so much. I’ve recently asked my girlfriend if she’d like a threesome with another man and to my surprise she’s actually thinking about it. We’ve done this as roleplay fantasy for a few years now so I thought I’d just come and ask her if she’s interested. This video is exactly what I’d love to happen. Holding her hand while she takes another mans huge cock. I’d be kissing and rubbing her feet while he’s balls deep in her.. his I’m horny 🤣
4 anni fa
i love watching my hotwife in action like this. My favorite is when she sucks cock, and rims.

Playlist Contenenti La Nostra Prima Esperienza Di Cornuto, Film Di Marito

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