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St. Louis, United States
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Hey everyone I haven't been getting on too much now but I get on about once or twice a week. I'll try to add things when I can and enjoy everything until then :3.
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Adding Vids Now :3

Well after searching for who knows how long, I finally found a site that allows me to download their videos without my internet security provider throwing a fit. It'll take a while to start adding them, but hey I have time.
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Who's Ready for More Albums??? (For Real This Time)

Been getting on here very little about 1 time every 2 weeks something like that and I decided I should add some new albums. Had a problem doing it last month mainly because I broke my hand playing football with a couple friends I knew (dove for the ball for a touchdown and my hand landed wrong). Get the cast off next week though and I am going to add as many albums as I can today. So, cheer for the new albums :3.
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Let There Be Albums!!

Wow, I'm amazed at myself... After 2 months of not posting anything, I decided to post all the pics I have gotten. I have around 650 pics to put on here. I guess it should be an early christmas present for everybody. Just wait though, I'll only be adding around 1-3 albums a day, because one person can only do so much when they have to work also. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! :3
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Woohoo, I can Add Albums Again

Wow I am surprised that after about two weeks I can add albums again. I've got about 300-400 pics including about 6-10 comics to upload and still growing seeing as I keep finding more and more of them. Hope you all like them :3...
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Hope You're all Having a Good Time

Because I sure am :3. The last couple of days I had were awesome. Me and a group of friends went out to go have some fun at the lake out here. We all had our boats and we were having races all around the lake. Then we ended up going tubing after that which I hope all of you get a chance to get to do that sometime, I'm sure some of you would love it :3...
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O The Shame Of It All

Gah, I feel terrible. Just today I had my neice over with her family. We were all outside working on the yard and talking when I found her in my room, on the computer, watching a video of a threesome in a pool. >..
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Site Bugs >.

God this site is full of problems. There are some friend requests I can't except, I haven't been able to upload albums for a couple days, I can't change my avatar, I can't look through any albums or some videos, and a bunch of other crap. I'm just wondering but has this been happening to anyone else?

Well I can manage to upload some albums but they upload a lot slower now and I can change my avatar also.
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Heeeeey peopleeee!!

Mmmk so ima just say what i think about adding you people..For one i relly don't care who you are ill add you if you send me a request even though the people with dick avatars scare me a bit...but i'll ignore it. That's kinda all i had to say but anyways hope you all like the albums i post 🙂
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I'm a pretty nice and gentle guy and you really can't anger me very quickly.

Ultimo Accesso:
6 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
St. Louis
St. Louis
"United States"
Interessi e Hobby:
I like to play soccer and mess around with my friends.
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
I'd have to say Windtalkers is a good movie and I watch most anime shows.
Musica Preferita:
Eh, mostly rock metal and some alternative, pop and country are ok but i hate rap with a passion.
Libri Preferiti:
Anything that looks good to me
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Great women who are both good looking and are willing to help people out.
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Talking to much, cussing your heart out which I find annoying, , watersports, and anything remotely close to those.
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
13 930
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