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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumHello, my name is frankie,...currently living in Manchester. I’m sitrght...I’m a lazy bastard, I hate going to work. I hate cooking, cause it always turns out like . But, Some day I'm going to MARRY A CHEF! =P I’m pretty much a nice person unless you hurt me, Than watch the Fuck out! I’ll go Karate-ness on Your ass! I love My friends, and would go beyond for them. I am into art and music. But than again who isn’t? I have a big fear of fish… They creep the fuck out of me. *Shivers* I'm a private person, but if I trust you, which I probably will, I'll tell you anything you want to know. I'm easily pleased. Give me a box and I could be amused for hours. Hehee….well enough rambling here. Uh, anything else you like to know, don’t hesitate to ask. ^_^
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