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Thousand Oaks, CA, United States
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1. A black belt blowjob must be a very sensual affair; it can only be sensual if you are either fully nude, wearing only *sex clothes* (that means no full shirts/bras, or pants/shorts/panties -- no *street clothing* that covers your nipples or your vulva), or you must be wearing an expensive-as-all-hell evening dinner gown!
2. You must learn to completely control his pleasure; a sensual blowjob should last longer than nine minutes!
3. Slow the rhythm for the first few minutes. Pick up the tempo only very near the end.
4. Never try to take on more than you can handle! You should be able to take into your mouth at least the *entire* head, plus a generous portion of the shaft (more than the head alone).
5. A black belt sensual blowjob is never, ever sloppy or slobbery at any time! You may absolutely NOT ever spit, drool, or lugie (loogie) on it!
6. YOU MAY NEVER GAG ON IT, REGURGITATE, OR MAKE THAT *gurk!gurk!gurk!* NOISE! Deep-throating is not recommended in sensual, as that may possibly cause such a reaction.
7. Use your mouth, not your hands -- keep your mouth tightly closed around the shaft, even as you pull it from your mouth - as if you're sucking on a popsicle.
8. Passionately swirl your tongue around the head, and use your tongue, lips, and teeth (gently and playfully!) along the shaft.
9. Tilt your head left and right, back and forth, as you pump in and out when the tempo increases.
10. The entire head *must* be IN YOUR MOUTH at all times during cum, and close your mouth around the shaft so nothing escapes! The cumshot onto the tongue of a wide-open mouth is good for porn flicks, but not for real-life sex!
11. ALWAYS SWALLOW THE FULL ENTIRE LOAD -- show him the cum on your tongue first if you want, but DO NOT EVER ALLOW ANY OF IT TO DRIBBLE FROM YOUR MOUTH! Spitting it out, or allowing any of it to dribble away is ferociously disrespectful!
12. Don't allow him to EVER jack himself -- fully encourage him to grab hold of his dick so he may playfully smack your tongue with it (unless you do it to yourself), but, you must take it back from him, and be the one to finish him. If he will not let it go, or ever reaches for it in any way at any time, you must bite his hand! This applies even while you are licking/sucking his testicles; you are the one in control, you must be the one to handle his dick.
13. You must be the one in control of his pleasure -- if he begins to move his hips to face-fuck you, you must bite him!!
14. Always give loving thanks for the cum you swallowed by gently kissing the head on the tip/cumhole, on the shaft, and down at the base.
15. It's also highly important that you truly like and enjoy what you're doing. This is *sex*, after all; have fun!!!!
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Scribe"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Cinephile"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Two Thumbs Up"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Porn Buff "
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "4 year old account"
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This is just beautiful to watch!
Poster video Splendida mora viene sessualmente gemendo
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Spread those legs, !
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What I like!
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Nipple play!
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Widowered since 2017. Super-highly opinionated. Ultra-high sense of aesthetic. Super-impatient with observable unintelligence on display. Hate vulgarisms.

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