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Welp, we got purged boys

Pornhub just purged pretty much everything eroge related, RIP boys. I'll see if i can find another platform to upload stuff to, thank you for those who stuck to the end.
  • 6
3 anni fa
Can't seem to find your channel on x v ideos even when copy and pasting the name
  • 0
4 anni fa
Can you upload spankbang too?
  • 0
4 anni fa
I have moved over to x ....... videos... i'm using the same username (PH won't let me link it directly here) been slowly uploading stuff but i lost a lot of videos, been slowly capturing stuff again.
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "10 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Prince"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "9 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "8 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "7 year old account"
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The Pornhub algorithm is blocking some of my videos

So, the Pornhub algorithm is blocking some of the videos i'm trying to upload saying it has "" content (even though i didn't upload a single or any form ofnon consensual H-scene ever), i'm not sure why they're doing this as i can actually find some of the same scenes uploaded by other people just fine. If you find "holes" in some of the upload counts (I always upload the scenes in the order which i recorded them, you can see the pattern as i always put a number at the end of the video titles) i.e 1,2 then going to 4 is because the 3rd one got removed. I'm not sure how to fix this, if anyone has any idea why this is happening i'd be happy to know. Thank you guys.
  • 1
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Yo, i'm back

I'm back, with a better computer and better internet. I'll finish uploading some of the Koihime scenes i couldn't upload last time and upload some other scenes i had recorded for a long while (around 30). Then i'm gonna record some scenes from novels i've enjoyed recently. If you want a particular scene from a VN uploaded PM me and i'll see what i can do, i can't promise it will be fast but i'll do what i can if i have the spare time. Enjoy, people! 🙂
  • 4
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Sophomore"
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "Immortalised"
  • 1
5 anni fa
Sir if can you upload Natsuzora no Perseus h scene ?
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Duke"
  • 3
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Squire"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Mugshot"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "Launching your Brand"
  • 0

I upload Visual Novel H-Scenes i like to this channel, feel free to request any specific H-Scene from a novel you'd like for me to upload through a private message or a comment. If you know who the artist of the channel's banner is contact me immediately so i can credit him, sadly i got it from a Reddit post that didn't credit anyone.

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