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Help others make a real connection with you, and you'll get more responses! Here are some ideas to get you started: Most of my friends would say I have a (dominant/easy-going/shy/other) personality. When it comes to physical health, I exercise about (5 to 7, 3 or 4, 1 or 2) times per week (or never), and expect my sex partners to be at about the same fitness level. I (like/dislike) the bar scene. I prefer (lots of partying/not to party) when I'm involved in sexual encounters. I like my partners to (tell me what to do/follow my lead) in the bedroom. I love sex, but I'm more interested in (short-term relationships/long-term relationships/marriage). In the bedroom, I tend to like (traditional, straight forward/kinky, experimental/other) sex. Some of my favorite positions prefer one-on-one sex, but wouldn't mind trying it with another (man/woman) in the room. One-on-one sex doesn't interest me much. I prefer (threesomes/swapping/orgies/other). I'm (seldom/always) willing to try some light bondag
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