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Hi folks - Thanks for stopping by. You are the reason for my existence. I love making film that will entertain. I try never to bore my audience and work as hard as possible to try and make the best Femdom film. BestFemdom.mobi, Mistress-Jennifer.net or MistressTangent.com are some of my sites you may want to visit. My background: Professional Femdom Producer/Owner of Lakeview Entertainment. Now with 13 websites, I have been producing for . I shoot and script everything myself. Gracie and Taxi my two Wheatons get me out for walks during spells of editing but I am basically a regular shy guy who likes to go to the gym and work. The content I produce goes to Mistress-Jennifer.net, PantyhoseSupremacy.com and AmbersDungeon.com. plus a few others.
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