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Being Fucked

I love the submissive feeling of being on all fours as a man pushes his cock deep in my ass. It always reminds me of where I belong!
  • 2
5 anni fa
Good sissy
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si è iscritto a 8 utenti
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Fuck Me

Shove my face into the bed while you fuck my ass. 😉
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si è iscritto a 1 utenti
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Does anyone want to share a picture of their big, cum covered dick on my page? That kind of thing really gets me off. 🙂
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "1 year old account "
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Sloppy Sucker

Who wants to make me choke and gag on their cock until I'm coughing up big globs of drool? 🙂
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Call Me Names!

What's the most humiliating, depraved thing you'd say to a slutty sissy like me? 🙂
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I'm your little piece of sissy property, for you to do with as you wish. What do you want me to do, master? 🙂
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Sissy Pet

It gets me so horny to imagine wearing a collar 24/7 and somebody's live-in  pet, wearing sexy clothes or nothing at all all day and just letting my master pull me aside and fuck me whenever they wanted. I can just imagine myself minding my own business when suddenly master walks in, pushes me to my knees, and stuffs my face with his big cock. [3
  • 7
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Being on Bottom

I love to lie on my stomach with a guy on top of me fucking me in the ass. I love having that weight on top of me and being pinned down with a cock inside me. [3
  • 6
6 anni fa
I love having my cock deep inside a bottom slut
  • 0

Please post sexy, dirty posts on my stream, I can't get enough of those! And don't forget you're free to message me for some dirty fun - I love sexy convos and roleplay! I'm just your ordinary sissy cock addict. ;) I love cocks of all types, but I especially enjoy sucking lovely girlcocks on transladies. Then again, I love letting a hot guy pound me from behind. There's too much fun to choose from! I'm mostly here to pervert myself with sissy and play with myself to videos of hot dicks. :P

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4 anni fa
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