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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumWe're just a fun couple looking to meet people and share our adventures. WE ARE NOT HERE TO MAKE MONEY. JUST HAVING FUN. We have a lot of fun with sex and some of our pics reflect fantasy that will never become reality, but surely not all. Comments, tributes, captions, photoshops, collages and reposts on our pics and vids are welcome and appreciated. Just let us know where you reposted so we can see too. We're really into the photography and videography of home porn and sometimes have time to meet with real pornhub members for some fun. Message us if you're interested. Thanks for looking! Note: If you're not PH verified AND willing to personally verify with us please don't send a friend request. We're willing to personally verify also. We don't have time to communicate with fakes. We're real and we'd like to meet real people. Thanks to all who comment on our pics. It is much appreciated. No bi guys. bi guys. Can't do that.
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