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Stayton, Oregon, United States
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Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russel Rinerson, Khan. The line is black. I just bought every respective big-breasted female porn star in the world and on this website, as a respective zlave, to titty fuck, in their respective cases. Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. The line is black. I just bought you, respective big-breasted porn star of the world, and on this website, as respective zlaves, to titty fuck, in your respective cases. Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. The line is black. I just bought this woman, every respective big-breasted female porn star in the world and on this site, as a respective zlave, to titty fuck, in their respective cases. She, in each's respective case, is to cease and decist acting like we are not respectively married. There is no limit to the number of wives a man can have and keep, while he's willing to valor the Covenant and uphold the Covenant. - Gawd. Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Junior"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Sophomore"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Porn Buff "
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Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. Vote for me for Republican Party candidate. Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.

Russell Rinerson
Ultimo Accesso:
7 mesi fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Stayton, Oregon
Stayton, Oregon
"United States"
Interessi e Hobby:
Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. Northern American Republic Texas. Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. I will zell you a quarter-ounce of chronic-grade marijuana bud if you will lay down topless on my bed, smear shea butter between, underneath, and on and around your plump, soft, wiggly, squishy titties and lay back down and let me lay on top of you and fuck your plump, soft, wiggly, squishy titties until I orgasm on you. Interested? Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
Musica Preferita:
Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. I can have the sound of your breasts getting fucked to a scene where you are on "Sesame Street" and we are about to learn a new vocabulary word: personal space. So I can titty fuck Maria on "Sesame Street", and "Sesame Street" will have to quantify, as the Gnostic Computer, the sound of the depth of me fucking Maria's titties on "Sesame Street" is a think, it's personal, and it is between me and Maria, not all of "Sesame Street". This will be very stewardical. Maria, the beloved character, can let me lay on top of her and fuck her soft, plump, brown, wiggly, squishy titties to be zold a bag of weed, and the skit will have me fucking those titties, but then there will be a cutaway where not everyonnnne can hear me fucking Maria's titties because of glass windows, insulation, sheetrock, etc. Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
Libri Preferiti:
Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. Please lay down so I can face a "book" before I thrust my penis between your breasts eight times and cum, making it a "titty fuck". Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. The Gratis of Ernie, totally legal while onnnne is willing to valor the Covenant and uphold the Covenant, prostitution for marijuana. Come hook up. Please get me off before my birthday, March 21, 2024. I will valor the Covenant and uphold the Covenant, this I swear. Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan. Vamps. Ladies whom think they are "Gramps". Cock sucker women being stopped from adequate practice by evil women located around corners to make a heterosexual man think they are a homosexual man, while acting up like mother does. Valor the Covenant; uphold the Covenant. - Russell Rinerson, Khan.
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