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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumGuys want to be me, Girls want to .... me? Or something like that?! Naghhhh probably not other way :( Oh i'm to really adding people at present unless you're in the area, or if i know you etc. Or if you're really really cool! But ya, no offense intended if i don't friend you out of the blue. Hi I'm Samantha, I'm 5"10, with black eyes and brown hair, mixed race heritage, quiet athletic and muscular unfortunetly, smooth all over, and i like to keep myself good and proper when meeting others. Love being smooth and now able to do my own make up, gosh I'm late in the game, but i think i'm starting to show through as the chick i've always had in me!!!! Use to live in; Leeds, UK, but now live in the good ol' USA!!!!!! Moved on from Tallahassee, to Seattle, and loving it! I talk WAYYYYY to much and love meeting new people, and that isn't always for sexy times either i'm often very happy just meeting and seeing all you interesting people Working hard in hospitality in town. LOVE MEETING NEW PEOPLE F
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