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Do you ever think there is a way that they can do surgery on you so that You can be controlled to talk by a remote? Plus do you think there is a way that they could do the same thing for hearing where they make it so you can't hear a thing or you can only hear what they want you to hear or you can hear everything? Plus could they do surgery to make it so that they can control when you pee with a little thing up to your pee hole that is controlled by a remote? plus also put something in your privet parts that you can control remotely that is unbearable like a vibrator or electric shock. I have a vision of someone being and have this done to them. then they are made into a slave. This is only the first round of surgery to happen. Not to mention she will have a tracker embedded in her. 
I want to do some form of surgery to remote control her sight but make it so she does not look blind.
Do you guys have any other ideas for more surgery alterations that could happen?
Could I do something that made it so with a push of a button her can't move, or her legs and/or arms are tied up? ( magnets)
I basically don't want her looking like she is being controlled when she goes out into society but she is being controlled.
I will also make it so that if she ever tries to live the master boundaries without the masters the thing in her privet parts will go off and her vergina with be in pain. Plus she will live in 100% latex when she is on the master property. There will be a bathing, eating, bathroom and water schedule. this is just the beginning of a slave life I am developing and If you have any ideas for it that would be great.
  • 2
4 anni fa
For the room, I'd recommend it be soundproofed with microphones wirelessly connected either to speakers around the house, or directly to your phone, tablet, or computer. I can imagine sitting back, realizing there's nothing on TV, and turning to the Slave Channel on an 80" monitor with surround sound, and get entertained by the slave who is in some precarious seual position the Master or Mistress set up.
  • 0
4 anni fa
She will have her own hidden room and bathroom and punish room. All hidden behind a bookshelf. The room and bathroom are as small as can be but still functional for that is needed. Plus it is at the top of the house
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Porn Buff "
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Virgin"
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