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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub Premium1) I do Hypnotic videos for STRAIGHT GUYS, im the FIRST to do this. My specialty is to help the ones that wanna to be into women "with pussies" again, basically im here to help. 2) First of all, it's okay to be gay or to be into trannies or sissies. I do think that, but I also know that some guys feel the need to stop liking sissies or trannies and are lost in their own fetishes. That is why I decided to create REVERSE HYPNOSIS. 3) You don't have to be into trannies to watch my videos dont worry, I try to make sure that my videos make you more manly, more secure and more alpha male than before because I put subliminal positive messages inside ALL my videos. If you don't trust me, feel free to put pause to read what I write. You will see stuff like "You are strong and confident" or "Women love you" etc ... These messages are hard to read but your brain will catch them and the process will make you a new person you'll see. --- Thanks and enjoy. RH -
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