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Philly!, United States
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I'm NOT looking for pic-less or dick pic-ed profiles. No commented friend request, no add. No acceptions. I'm looking for a fuck partner in the Philadelphia area. If that's you hit me up. The moment that you realize you have to get up, and instead chance rolling over for ten more minutes of care-free bliss. That...yes THAT...is my existence. I'm VERY honest...and apparently loyal. lol... FOR STARTERS: Hi. My name is Brandon. I'm 27 and I'm an Aquarius. Oh and yes, I'm aware that so far this sounds like a cliche ass date intro but I'm a noob. Deal with it. I have a knack for scripting. I can ocassionally turn this little ability into an amazing tale or two. Sad for me I'm currently writing three in my head at the same time. I'm the middle in a family of seven. I never really knew my biological family too well, since me and my sib's were split up when I was like five or six. I still remember the feeling of celeberating my seventh birthday in what I felt to be foreign territory but other then that my memories are a rollercoaster of a mystery. What I mean by that is I can tell you all of the little ridiculously irrelevant instances in my life but when it comes to the monumental serious situations...I come up empty. I can't tell you about when I learned how to Iron my clothes for the first time even though I still remember how, but I can name every cartoon character from my . Can't tell you the first time my father physically me, but I CAN tell you about the one time we had a fake sword fight with sticks along the sidewalks of Fairmount park. My whole life is like that, and that is a bit of a hindrance to me for some reason. If you can't tell I like to get a little acrobatic with my vocabulary. Words of the least use tend to excite my mental palette the most. I love weaving a mind by throwing them samplings of proper diction in dialect that they will rarely have the chance to sample. I'm always finding out the meaning of new words and I love to read. This passion for conversational clarity leads me to the simple fact that I love utilizing the aforementioned lingual aptitude to produce written works. I have a novel that I post on here and I have a novel that I hand-write on a spur of the moment basis. I'm proud of my body since I was always a little pudgy growing up. I couldn't see my naughty bits properly until I was around the age of ten. That's when I started to work on my physical prowess. I wanted to become impressive to myself. As a result of my physical training from myself and the minute time I spent in the military entrance program, I look athletically fit no matter what. Thanks to some wondrous genetics I can gorge myself on anything and not gain any weight beyond initial bloating. I am extremely agile and flexible. I can absorb information like a sponge, and can forget any situation at will. I am remarkably charming and take pride in just about all that I set out to accomplish. Before I set out painting the picture of me being the sigil of elegance, I must reveal that I do have shortcomings. My eloquent rhetoric won't cover up that I do have an unaccountable inferiority complex. I tend to assume that my actions and person are not enough and don't measure up. I had spent years under the steady words of authority figures repeatedly telling me how much I wasn't worth. It's something that I kind of carried with me and started believing after moving through foster care placement times. Naturally this kind of negative reinforcement from the few that it came from established a desire to be somehow greater then what I was. That and life's general disappointments equated to me continuously striving to better myself. Lack of opportunity made me feel like I was destined to be average, or even worse, another story of unfulfilled potential. That's where I am now. I'm staring higher education in the face and frowning because of what it's meant for many I know. They went got chewed up and spat out, and I feel as though I don't want to add to that number. My best frien

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