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Hey guys my name is Nikki and I am looking to become a professional pornstar I haven't had much experience in the industry but I try to put my own content up when I can and I'm working on better quality lighting production Etc I would love to get in with a producer but for the time being I like making some slutty videos on here. I'm a very very horny sissyslut and night and told him a lot of fun I'm complete submissive I love it rough being told what to do and just being a little slave I've been to multiple guys I love dominant men who are assertive I take what they want very into gangbangs facials come swallowing I recently tried to DP I love it I just too great a little hore and it's really nothing I don't think I would try so if you like my new look my personality can touch me please I love to talk to you I've also FYI I'm just starting to this week so please look for updates on that kiss kiss
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