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Metro Atl, United States
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Munch needed

I'm so damn horny right now. I need a munch. Eat me like I'm your last meal, no Jeffrey Dahmer type ish tho!!! I need a face to cum on.
  • 2
2 mesi fa
Come ride my face
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3 mesi fa
I'd eat you out so good make your legs shake
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My husband or your husband can watch!
My pussy is so wet thinking about getting nasty with someone’s wife while her husband watches and strokes his dick, I wanna grind our pussies together and kiss sloppy while he watches
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In this gym, sitting in the sauna & wish I had a sexy lady just straight ravishing me right here, in the showers or the dressing room. I want her dripping wet from my juices all down her face!!!
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Waiting on an invite

Sitting outside on my deck listening to my neighbors & their company drink and talk about the visiting strip clubs. My neighbors just don't know they could have their own private show cuz plenty nights I'm out here playing with myself in the dark.
I imagine sitting on her face watching him stuff her while she eats both of my holes. Other times she's sitting the chair while he stuffs all my holes or maybe she's licking me while I'm getting stuffed. If they only knew just what goes thru my mind while we're each outside on our decks.
  • 3
3 mesi fa
Ooooo!! That sounds so sexy!!!
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Her voice

Her voice was so cute and sexy. If she sees this, she'll know I'm talking about her.
I was so distracted, imagining her hands on me, her mouth on me. I made sure not to touch myself while talking to her but I really really wanted to. I imagined her sitting behind me, talking to me while while she massages my breasts or played with my pus-c. Omg, I wish I had pics of her body so I could have a more vivid play session. But all is well, hopefully I'll get the real body in person.
  • 1
4 mesi fa
We should talk…
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Damn I want this right now
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7 mesi fa
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I deserve

I got up & worked out this morning. Now I feel I deserve to sit on a pretty face & ride it!
Who's looking g for a pretty pillow princess with big titles? A post workout trib beastie sounds like a damn good idea to me...
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Saturday Satisfaction

Waking up to the best eating I've had in a while. He ate my pussy and slurped my cum like it was his last meal & beverage. The way he ate my pussy and had me begging for the dick..I wanted to feel it inside of me. He stroked my pussy til the sheets were soaked and then he opened up my ass & knocked 3 more orgasms outta me. And its only 6am so I know today will be a good day.
Trying to decide if I wanna spend the day with my plug in my ass. I only have a few errands to run this morning & 1 this afternoon.
  • 3

Happily married kinda sheltered MILF looking for a 3rd.

Ultimo Accesso:
2 settimane fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Metro Atl
"United States"
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Sexy talk, pretty genetalia, sensual strokes Homie, lover, friend type vibe
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Overly aggressive & bad hygiene
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
2 974
Video Guardati:
2 152
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