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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumHello, my name is Nekoda. Im experimenting with music and would like to reach some people and hopefully find people that can appreciate what I'm trying to do. I'm still learning but have big goals and dreams and aspirations. I will be uploading more when I have the right tools to do so, but for now theres my soundcloud where you can go to hear all the rest of the stuff im working on. Its hard to say what genre it is, but I am influenced by goth, darkwave, industrial, minimal, techno, anti-pop, distorted heavy music, anything dark, mine is a mashup of that and the vocals I don't know what to say about those hahahaha Scroll down towards the bottom for the heavy-er darker songs, from Blow, Down. Check it out, thank you for your time. Soundcloud.com / night-citizen
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