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Hi everyone I am on thisvid for a reason because PH Is acting up I do not understand why this Is happening to all of us my name on Thisvid Is MouthFetishFan34 add me on there I will accept all of you I am just giving you all a heads up just In case you wanted to know please come join Thisvid It’s a really good place for Vore content.
  • 4
4 anni fa
All you’ve got to do Is go to videos and then go to the profile where It says add friend because there are a lot of private videos that’s how It works.
  • 0
4 anni fa
do you know how you send friend requests? that site is confusing.
  • 0
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Youtube sucks

I have had It with the males mouth taking over Youtube It just bothers me so much to see that I know a lot of us hate It so much because there are no good videos of girls showing there beautiful Mouths I wish that there was a way to get some girls to do some Endoscope Vore videos of there mouths I really do not like at all for us who hate mails showing there mouths I think It Is time for us to make a stand because we need girls to do Vore videos It Is just so ridiculous I am at the point where I wish that the owner of Youtube would quit banning people that do good Vore Videos I am getting so tired of It so who's with me on this one.
  • 10
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Why am I on here ?

I am on here for a good reason I am here to be friends with everyone that has videos some of the videos on here I have not ever seen anywhere els on the Internet I am here for the fetish videos that are new and old I am not on here for friend request without videos I am here to see 360 VR videos Endoscope videos Pov Mouth Uvula videos Giantess Vore Pov videos I know that we all have different fetishes that's why this is a good place to come to add friends with the same fetish and that's why I come on here because YouTube is so boring these days and that is why I hangout on here
  • 1
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I am starting to like VR Vore videos. I think that it is so cool how VR works. with the Vore showing inside the mouth. those are really interesting views. I am so glad to see. VR Vore Videos on here.
  • 2
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Friend Request with out Videos

Good Morning I have something to say and I will only Say this once I Will not Accept any Friend Request with out any Videos that you've uploaded to your profile Sorry but those are the rules
  • 0

I will only accept people with videos from now on that is how its going to be because you must have some videos to see my videos that are going to be the good ones I only Like VR 360 Pov Mouth Endoscope Vore Giantess Videos

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