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Making new friends

Hello Everyone! If someone wants to talk to me, send me a message. I like to have a good time with friendly guys. Thanks 🙂
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Lindo dia para todos

Buenos dias. Good morning. Que tengan un lindo Sabado
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Hi everyone. How are you doing?

I'm a sincere, respectful and sociable bottom. I like to talk to top guys and have a good time in the best way without any complications. I'm open-minded and I enjoy watching movies and listening to music. By the way, feel free to send me a message. I will reply to you as soon as possible, thanks 🙂
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Warm greetings

Hi. ¿How are you? Sometimes I'm hot because I see your pictures and videos but If I need to say something about you, I say it kindly. What about you?
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Hola! Hello! Un nuevo video pronto!  😀
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Eliminación de amigos o suscriptores

  Hola a todos. Creo que empezaré a eliminar aquellos usuarios que no ponen una foto propia en su perfil o tienen una foto aburrida que no me llama la atención en absoluto  😑 ..... Lo siento por ellos pero ya me cansé de verlos. 😕                
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                                       Hola a todos! ¿Cómo están? Yo estoy en mi cuarto con un poco de calor y podría tomarme un baño solo si alguien pudiera acompañarme y frotara mi espalda con jabón mientras me lavo mi cabeza con champú. Pero si se me cae el jabón accidentalmente no sé lo que podría pasar entre tú y yo después  😀 te imaginarías?  😉 Hi everyone! How are you? I am in my room a little hot and I could take a shower only if someone could company me and rub my back with soap while I wash my head with shampoo. But if I drop the soap accidentally, I don't know what could happen between you and me later 😀  Woud you imagine?  😉                                
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Hi everyone! I'm Micota. I'd like to make new friends on this site. I'm sociable, sincere and respectful. I like to have a good time with friends and share new experiences. So leave a message and thanks for your time 🙂 😉
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6 anni fa
Hi Bigfloppy1994
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Hola a todos. Soy Micota y quiero decirles que si quieren que les acepte su solicitud de amistad, pónganle una foto de perfil propia como yo lo tengo. Buen día y gracias por leer este mensaje 😉
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Hi. I'm micota and if you want to send  me a friend request to be friends, put a picture on your profile and I'll accept it. Thanks 🙂
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I'm a bottom who wants to meet nice and friendly men. No straight guys. Don't like desperate guys. If you want to talk to me, send me a message, thanks :)

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2 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
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Interessi e Hobby:
Ver películas y escuchar música.
Musica Preferita:
Rock & Pop
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Hot pictures and hot chat,
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Blurred pictures
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
4 008
Video Guardati:
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