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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI am a master & a dominant.(also Master of Science;)) But not because I'm a person. Cause I love submissives. Cause I believe a relationship between a master & slaves is a pure love. from one side, love is about how much you can sacrifice & how far you can go. From another side love is about support, protection & safety. A sub sacrifices everything because of her master. So, her master loves her more than anything in this world and protect her against anything. Out of the house, I treat with my subs and slaves as my beloved princess. But at home or in our privacy they must show me that they are mine. Besides there are games that I would enjoy and more important, there are rules & for those rules there are and prizes(like permission to cum or even have my cum on their face, mouth, ass or even in their pussy). If you are a good submissive girl & want to experience a true love(& of course a rough one) send me a message & if ur a bad girl, dont wory, I will train u
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