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I will tell you later..., United States
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10 anni fa
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Dear PornHub...

Great idea with the new verification option. Great initiative and sounds like a lots of fun as well!
But how about those of us who have no interest in verifying our face? I still want my friends in here to know that is really the guy they see in my pictures (and whatever I'm showing) who is on the other side of the line, but not necessarily show my face. Likewise, it is exciting to know that whoever you are talking to and sharing your stuff with is not somebody that took some pictures off the web and is posing as the target (for whatever reason that I cannot yet comprehend, but seems to happen a lot).I think showing the face shouldn't be a requisite to get verified, but you would verify whatever you show in the picture with the writing. In any case, it should be exciting for anybody to try and do so no matter if they get the PornHub-seal-of-approval or not. We can judge ourselves as well. I am definitely on my way.
In the end, there is nothing sexier than being whoever you really are.
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Dear Porn Hub...

This thing need an instant messaging tool now! hahaha
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New videos...

Hi everybody!

I just uploaded a couple of new videos, so check them out if you want and enjoy them. 🙂
I hope everybody will enjoy them, there is a little for everyone: The girls are gorgeous and the cocks are big. So what's not to like? haha

I know, it is not me in the videos yet, maybe some day it will if somebody is interested. 🙂
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Random thoughts

So I have been here on PH for a while now and wanted to write about the experience so far.
I was in here just to have so fun making friends with an open mind about sex and enjoy talking and sharing opinions, maybe teasing each other a little bit watching some videos on the side. Just some random and healthy fun.
So far I have a met a couple of friends that have been great with which I have enjoyed hours and hours of chatting and laughs 🙂 (you know who you are). However, there is still a lot of people who don't talk much, or don't seem interested in talking, and just ask some random things directly without even showing that they are really there (like show me your cock on and things like that).
I really enjoy making new friends, chatting and even talking on , but everything has to go on a slow progression. The point is, if you are really interested in meeting me and you are a real, sincere person, you will get it right.
Anyway, I have no problem on showing that I am really here (that is why I first posted the pics of me holding my name on a paper), and show my face and saying hi on or anything (of course I am not going to show you anything more to start with), but one feels really stupid doing that without even knowing who is really watching on the other side.
So bottom line: If you are up for some friendly chatting with somebody who is real, not afraid of showing it and has something to say, and you are not afraid of showing you are real too and of course, you have something to say as well, contact me. Send me a message or write in here.

I have to say that I am very glad a couple of you got it really right and I am so lucky to have met you. I miss you too...
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Trying to upload a video...

I have been trying to upload a video in here, hoping to give back a little bit for all I have looked at and enjoyed.

Well, it won't be me in the video (for now), but the girl in it (Nicole Grey) is absolutely amazing, plus she gets a big toy to play with 😜. Be sure to check out when she gets on top, her moves are incredibly sexy 😉.
I don't know if the audio is working properly when I upload it, so I will try to fix it. Otherwise, it will be up soon. Enjoy it! 😉

It's working!! 🙂
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I know I have been out of here for a while....

... but, surprise! 🙂 Say hi if you are there!

Happy 4th to everyone!
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I was just wondering if the messages don't work in this site, or the people I was writing messages to even got them, since nothing seems to work and everybody is soooo silent... ssssshhhh...

OK, speak up! If you want to add me it has to be for more than just adding compulsively. If you add me, send a little message or something... I'm not here to have a huge list of friends, but to actually interact with some people. 😉
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Hey! I'm just looking for some people around here... not looking to build a huge friend list, but actually to interact more with people, send some messages, share some pictures... I will add more pics and stuff later!

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