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Some time in the very near future I'll be posting my stuff on smutty.com
Though I enjoy the affiliate options Pornhub has, I realize the site doesn't really cater to what I'm looking to do.
I'll post my smutty link soon for all of you to follow. 
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ANYONE who tries to post their dick pic to my stream will be removed from friend and BLOCKED.
If I wanted to see it I'd go to your page. Shove off.
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My Rules!

Rules for My Feed
My boyfriend does not and will not join me in my blog. He has no interest in being involved in these pictures. He won’t be taking pictures of me and he won’t be involved in anything I do on my snapchat or Pornhub.
Kinks I don’t like won’t be featured, no matter how many people suggest or request it. No s**t, no vore, no b***d, no pain play … I’ve a long list and if I don’t post up something you request it means I’m not interested.

Only a select few will get pictures/videos which include my face.
 If you go ahead and beg me for face pictures I might just block you too. Those whom know my other blogs are welcome to send me a PM with their snapchat username so I can add them to the special group.

My flirting is not exclusive!
 No matter how much attention I may pay attention to you, know there are others gaining my attention as well; I’m interested in flirting with the masses and won’t dedicate myself to one person most of the time.
Your dick pic isn’t going to get a response … I’m not all that fond of pictures of dicks, especially ones not artistically taken. A dick in a hand is boring and won’t get me horny. If you post them to my feed I won't just deny it, I'll block you.
My snapchat is for adults 18+ only! It doesn’t matter when age of consent is for where you’re from; I’m in the US and its a federal offense to send sexually explicit images or text to a , so don’t even try to pretend you’re over 18.
  • 4

Name's Vivian! I'm a MILF in my 30s whom is taken and not looking. I'm here to start creating content in hopes to work more from home. If you're an artist with character commissions available, I'd love to know more!

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