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Hey guys and girls!

First off, thanks for all your nice comments and mails! Love you all 😉

Anyways, as you may have noticed, I changed my realtionship status to "Taken" - well, I am in a commited (but kind of polyamorous ) realtionship, and I share my hub account with him ( just a heads up, for all of you who send me mails/comments ... keep them clean, unless you'd be willing to share me 😉 ).

We'll upload pics of him/us soon!

xoxo Jen

P.S. : Lately Isaac and me have developed kind of a fetish for porn with cute asian girls ... do you guys have a weakness for a specific ethnic group or a general fetish?

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Dye my hair?

Hey guys,

I've got a question for you all:

Do you think I should dye my hair and cut it shorter, like on some of my pics, or leave it the way it is, about shoulder long and brown ... or smth else?

Lemme know your suggestions! 😉


P.S.: Some of you asked my about the tatto on my lower back. It was a henna tatto, which means it isn't permanent, I only had it for my two week vacation. 😉

new album's up, with extended insight into my shoot from september, since you gave me such great feedback 😉
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Hey guys,
thanks for all your comments and everything, you're great!

I try to answer the e-mails, but please don't be mad if I can't answer every single one ... 😥 I'l do my best though 😉

Btw I've got a new album up ... I'll try to keep the pics coming 😉

Have fun, xoxo
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Hey guys, check out my updated blog.
There's a special price for the next 10 cumpics i recieve 😉
So you better get going 😉
xoxo Jen
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New private album ^^
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Hey Guys , wanna see more?
Got new photos 😉
check 'em out
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Hey all, If you like anal check out album #2, got a new picture in there you might like ^^ There are also new pics in Album #3 so Show me How much you like them ! Jen
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Well everybody, just uploaded my latest pics, will probabl be the last for now.
But we'll see..depends on your responses 😉
Kisses, Jen.
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Hey You!
New pics for now, check out if you like!
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thx for all the nice cmts 🙂
will upload more pcs tomorrow
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New pics! Finally came to try out my new ...
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A proposito di

Not much girls like porn,but I do...tried out with my ex to play along and so...was quite fun, but it also is alone... I really like dirty talk and hot comments, so just keep on doing that !

Ultimo accesso:
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
Stato della relazione:
Interessato a:
Ragazzi e ragazze
Città natale:
Art Student / maybe soon 2 be Model
Musica preferita:
RnB and Hip Hop
fitness, muscles, water somehow, swimming naked makes me really horny and guys/girls who shave themselves.and of course hot butts, boobs, big cocks and tight pussies. I'm getting pretty horny from Dirty Talk and rough sex, also slapping Erotic Foreplay and Roleplay, can turn me pretty wet, and public also.I also enjoy anal, what not every girl does.
too much hair, and creepy/fat guys urgh... unwashed chicks/guys
Visualizzazioni del profilo:
21 649
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