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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Duke"
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I am suicidal. For all my life, I was alone, nobody ever liked me, even my family members, I haven't even had friends. I always thought I was an asexual, I wanted to believe this but I am alone and I need love. I always hated love but when I'm in public, I dream a girl's hand, holding mine. When I try to cry (I'm not able to cry) I dream of her, holding me, crying with me. I need to feel that I'm loved. Then I see other people, who's been living my dream. Being loved is not a big deal for them, they have lovers, friends, a caring family... I'm an ugly, talentless, stupid disaster. I see handsome, smart, caring guys, some talented girls with good heart, I envy them, I hate them, all because that I'm a loser. I don't want to see, I don't want to hear, I don't want to feel... I don't want to live. I am a porn addict, I watch porn to remind myself my place, hot guys will fuck hot girls, they will kiss, they will love, they will desire and all I can do is to watch. Oh, and I'm insecure as fuck by the way.

Ultimo Accesso:
2 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Interessi e Hobby:
I don- I can't have any. I want to do a lot of things, I want to cook, I want to make music, make films, I want to paint, I want to sing, I want to run and climb and... I want to do a lot of things... I've tried, I didn't want to be this but, I couldn't do anything. In my life, I have never achieved anything, I have 0 success in life. I don't have any talents at all. I've believed, I've put my time on it but no, I am a stupid failure, still.
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
I don't want to watch anything. Seeing that love stories makes me feel like . Seeing beautiful girls, success stories, anything! I can't even raise my head when I'm in public.
Musica Preferita:
Even if they're sad, I know that this guy playing the song, at least he can play guitar, at least he can express his feelings somehow. I envy everything and everyone because I'm a piece of . I can't just listen to the music without thinking this.
Libri Preferiti:
I don't read much nowadays. I'm tired of reading happy stories, anything involves love. I'm sick of closing the book and imagining myself in that world. My dreams will always be dreams, I don't want to feel like a pathetic. I am pathetic though but I want to believe in lies.
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Love making, sensual sex, kisses... I like it when the man is dominant, so I like hardcore too. Big dicks... Oh, and beautiful and sexy girls too, of course. These makes me feel less of a man. I know that being a "man" is not a big deal but here I am, all alone. Maybe it's a little bit important. Women loves men and noone loves me. I am a porn addict, I watch them to remind myself my place. "Watch it, they love, they desire, they kiss, they fuck but only thing you can do is to dream. You will always be alone. Watch a pretty normal activity for a normal person but something unaccessable for a loser like you."
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
I hate anything fake. That's why I don't like professional porn.
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
5 845
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